我有几个 ruby 函数,想检查输入是否正确以及输入是否有意义。这样做的明智方法是什么?
# Converts civil time to solar time
# civilT: Time object
# longitude: float
# timezone: fixnum
def to_solarT(civilT,longitude,timezone)
# pseudo code to check that input is correct
assert(civilT.class == Time.new(2013,1,1).class)
assert(longitude.class == 8.0.class)
assert(timezone.class == 1.class)
# More pseudocode to check if the inputs makes sense, in this case
# whether the given longitude and timezone inputs make sense or whether
# the timezone relates to say Fiji and the longitude to Scotland. Done
# using the imaginary 'longitude_in_timezone' function
我在这里找到了一个相关的问题:how to put assertions in ruby code。这是要走的路还是有更好的方法来测试 ruby 中的函数输入?