archivefile 5 "c:\temp\songs" .txt [move]
其中 5 是要保留的版本数。此示例中的基本文件名是“ c:\temp\songs.txt
”,它会创建 (in c:\temp
) 5 个文件:songs_1.txt songs_2.txt songs_3.txt songs_4.txt songs_5.txt
call archivefile 5 "c:\temp\songs" .txt
您需要这对批处理文件位于当前目录或 Windows 路径中。现在我想起来了,archivefile_b.bat 可能是主文件中的一个子程序,但它没有坏,所以我不打算修复它。
@Echo off
rem archivefile.bat - keep a number of archives of a file
rem paramters: n rootfile extension [move|copy]
rem n = number of files to keep.
rem move|copy optional indicator to rename (move) the original file instead of copying it
rem archivefile 5 "c:\temp\songs" .txt [move]
if "%3"=="" goto usage
set _af_n=%1
set _af_root=%2
set _af_ext=%3
set _af_move=copy
set _af_moveX=%4
if "%_af_moveX%"=="move" set _af_move=move
set _af_i=
set _af_j=
rem make sure that the first parameter (n) is numeric
set /A _af_n=%_af_n%
if "%_af_n%"=="0" echo Error: number of copies must be numeric (%1) & goto usage
if not exist %_af_root%%_af_ext% echo Error: cannot locate main file: %_af_root%%_af_ext% & goto error
rem remove the oldest file
if exist %_af_root%_%_af_n%%_af_ext% del %_af_root%_%_af_n%%_af_ext%
rem move up the remainder
for /L %%i in (%_af_n%, -1, 1) do call archivefile_b %%i %_af_root% %_af_ext%
rem copy the original
if "%_af_move%"=="move" goto moveIt
rem move not specified - make a copy
copy %_af_root%%_af_ext% %_af_root%_1%_af_ext%
goto moveCopyDone
rem need filename only for a rename
set _af_destfile=%_af_root%_1%_af_ext%
set _af_destfile=%_af_destfile:"=%
for %%i in (%_af_destfile%) do set _af_destfile=%%~ni%%~xi
ren %_af_root%%_af_ext% %_af_destfile%
dir %_af_root%*%_af_ext%
goto done
echo usage: archivefile n rootfile extension
echo - n = number of archives to keep
echo - rootfile = the root filename
echo - extension = file extension
echo example:
echo archivefile 5 "c:\Documents and Settings\gregh\My Documents\Rescued document" .txt
goto done
rem could maybe do something here? naa.
goto done
rem @Echo off
rem archivefile_b.bat - helper for the archivefile routine
rem -- juggles ONE of the archive files.
rem paramters: n rootfile extension
rem n = the index to move from n to n+1
rem archivefile 5 "c:\temp\songs" .txt
rem therefore renames c:\temp\songs_5.txt to c:\temp\songs_6.txt
set _afb_n=%1
set _afb_root=%2
set _afb_ext=%3
rem make sure that the first parameter (n) is numeric
set /A _afb_n=%_afb_n%
if "%_afb_n%"=="0" echo Error: (archivefile_b) number of copies must be numeric (%1) & goto done
set /A _afb_j=%_afb_n%+1
rem define the file names
set _afb_fn=%_afb_root%_%_afb_n%%_afb_ext%
set _afb_fj=%_afb_root%_%_afb_j%%_afb_ext%
rem remove the quotes
set _afb_fn=%_afb_fn:"=%
set _afb_fj=%_afb_fj:"=%
rem can only supply a filename to the ren command (not path)
for %%i in (%_afb_fj%) do set _afb_fj=%%~ni%%~xi
rem do the rename now
if exist "%_afb_fn%" ren "%_afb_fn%" "%_afb_fj%"