有人可以给我一个示例如何将枚举绑定到 Windows Phone 8 上的列表选择器吗?

在 Internet 上找不到任何内容……而且缺少有关此工具包的文档也无济于事。



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Binding that is easy. The only problem is that the extension method GetNames() is not available in windows phone. However, you can write one.

public static class EnumExtensions {
  public static IEnumerable<string> GetNames<TEnum>() where TEnum : struct {
    var type = typeof(TEnum);
    if (!type.IsEnum)
      throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Type '{0}' is not an enum", type.Name));

    return (
      from field in type.GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static)
      where field.IsLiteral
      select field.Name)

Once you have that it is easy to bind it to any list.

public enum MyEnum { 
  v1, v2, v3

// Binding
myListPicker.ItemsSource = EnumExtensions.GetNames<MyEnum>();

// Getting selected value
var myEnum = (MyEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum), myListPicker.SelectedItem.ToString());
于 2013-06-29T19:37:07.693 回答