My website is used to get RSS news (for example). Users of website can format the output of results by using template syntax like mustache and can set time to receive email what hot news in a day recurrently.

It doesn't like on client-side, on server-side, I don't know how to send Html-formatted email with body is the output of results based on user's format syntax template.

I've research Mustache .NET, but it quite confuses.

Have any ideas to help me ?

Thanks so much !

Secure uploaded files in Wordpress

I have site based on Wordpress. Only logged user can see posts, sites, and files (I use s2member plugin).

I have problem with disabling access to files for unlogged user.

I upload files, attach it to post. Only logged user can see post and attachements.

The problem is that unlogged user can download files directly (e.g. http://my-site.pl/files/secret_file.pdf).

How can I prevent this, some plugin, .htaccess?

My site is on shared hosting i have access only via ftp.


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