When you open a serial port for input, a buffer (queue) is automatically created to hold incoming data until it is read by your program. This buffer is typically 4096 bytes in size (although that may vary according to the version of Windows, serial port driver etc.).
A 4096-byte buffer is normally sufficient in almost all situations. At the highest standard baud rate (115200 baud) it corresponds to more than 300 msecond of storage (FIFO) first in first out, so as long as your program services the serial port at least three times a second no data should be lost. In your particular case, because you read the serial every 1 second, you may loose data if the timing and the buffered data do not match.
However in exceptional circumstances it may be useful to be able to increase the size of the serial input buffer. Windows provides the means to request an increased buffer size, but there is no guarantee that the request will be granted.
Personally I prefer to have a continuous stream of data from Arduino and decide in my c# app what to do with those data but at least I am sure I do not loose information due to limitation of the hardware involved.
Playing with Arduino quite often, I also agree with the third option given by Hans in his answer. Basically your app should send to Arduino a command to get printed out (Serial.Print or Serial.Println) the data you need and be ready to read it.