将字符串(即 UTF16)转换为 ANSI 代码页 1256 字符串。
然后使用 UTF7 编码将其转换回来。但这是错误的,因为您需要使用 ANSI 代码页 1256 编码将其转换回来:
string q = "ABئبئ"; // UTF16.
UTF7Encoding utf = new UTF7Encoding(); // Used to convert UTF16 to/from UTF7
// Convert UTF16 to ANSI codepage 1256. winByte[] will be ANSI codepage 1256.
byte[] winByte = Encoding.GetEncoding(1256).GetBytes(q);
// Convert UTF7 to UTF16.
// But this is WRONG because winByte is ANSI codepage 1256, NOT UTF7!
string result = utf.GetString(winByte);
Debug.Assert(result != q); // So result doesn't equal q
// The CORRECT way to convert the ANSI string back:
// Convert ANSI codepage 1256 string to UTF16
result = Encoding.GetEncoding(1256).GetString(winByte);
Debug.Assert(result == q); // Now result DOES equal q