我正在从文件中读取这种类型的行。我想在正斜杠之前提取这个数字 12(或任何其他数字)

12/1000 类状态(直到结束)


if (strstr (line,"class states")!=NULL) {
    if (file3!= NULL ) {
        fprintf(file3, "%s", line);

3 回答 3



在所有情况下,正如 xaxxon 所建议的那样,您首先需要使用类似的东西阅读整行fgets,然后调用您选择的函数将其拆分。

----edit---- 如果你知道你的号码总是在第一个'/'之前,你可以这样做:

int number;
if (sscanf(line, "%d/", &number) == 1) {
       printf("number found = %d\n", number);
} else {
       printf("INVALID INPUT\n");

"%d/" 是一个模式,它告诉 sscanf 匹配一个十进制数,后跟一个 '/'。sscanf 返回分配的输入值的数量,因此如果它不是“1”,则输入行不是预期的格式。

于 2013-06-29T05:45:14.873 回答


于 2013-06-29T05:39:34.993 回答



int main() {

    char line[256]; /* a long enough line */
    char *p;
    FILE *fin, *fout;

    fin = fopen("somefile.txt", "r");
    fout = stderr; /* you can change this to another open file later */

    while(!feof(fin)) {

         fgets(line, sizeof(line), fin);
         p = strstr(line, "class states"); 

         if ( p ) { /* we found the line */
              /* okay here p is a pointer that points to 
               * the beginning of the phrase class states but we want just 
                 12 (or whatever) before the  /1000 so we use strchr this time */
              p = strchr(line, '/'); /* now we are at the first slash */
              *p = 0; /* change the slash(/) to NUL and that 
                       * makes the line end at number 12 */
              fprintf(fout, "%s\n", line); 

这是一种稍微干净的方法,带有一些错误检查。请注意,我颠倒了 if (p) 逻辑以避免大块的选项卡式代码。

int main() {

    char line[256]; /* a long enough line */
    char *p;
    FILE *fin, *fout;

    fin = fopen("somefile.txt", "r");

    if ( !fin ) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open `somefile.txt' for reading\n");
       return -1;

    fout = fopen("savedfile.txt", "w");

    if ( !fout ) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open `savedfile.txt' for writing\n");
       return -1;

    while(!feof(fin)) {

         fgets(line, sizeof(line), fin);
         p = strstr(line, "class states"); 

         if ( !p ) { /* we did not find the line */
         /* everything below this happens when we find the line */

         /* okay when we get here p is a pointer that points to 
          * the beginning of the phrase class states but we want just 
            12 (or whatever) before the  /1000 so we use strchr this time */

          p = strchr(line, '/'); /* now we are at the first slash */

          if ( !p ) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find a slash in `%s'\n", line);
             continue; /* go on to the next line */

          *p = 0; /* change the slash(/) to NUL and that 
                   * makes the line end at number 12 */
         fprintf(fout, "%s\n", line); 



    return 0;
于 2013-06-29T05:57:26.960 回答