I'm trying to translate to :pt-BR which translation is all complete by http://www.localeapp.com/projects/4605 but I'm having the same error on the screenshot. Changes in application.rb config.i18n.default_locale = :'pt-BR' and put the pt-BR.yml file on config/locales. Also tryed to change the file name like suggested to spree_i18n.pt-BR.yml but also don't works.


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在 Spree 中实现本地化的最简单方法是包含spree_i18n gem。按照那里列出的说明进行操作,并在 config/application.rb 中设置您的语言环境。您不需要将任何语言环境文件复制到本地存储库。

于 2013-06-29T00:51:49.060 回答