我是 Java 编程新手,在理解如何获取用户输入并将其转换为我的程序可以理解的内容时遇到了问题。我试图在这个程序中输入用户的一个字符,并让程序接受它并在 switch 语句中使用它。请有人好心告诉我我将使用什么关键字或技术来输入字符,或者将字符串转换为我的程序的字符而不会真正令人费解?感谢您的帮助,并提前感谢您!
import java.util.Scanner;
//import java.util.Scanner;
public class VendingMachine;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (System.in);
int selection=0;
int x=0;
float origItemNum = 15;
float origDebitBal = 15;
double balanceDebit;
double balanceItemNum;
double items = 0;
char choice = 0;
//initialize variables
boolean validSelection;
System.out.print("\nInitial Account Settings:");
System.out.print("\nUnused Item Capacity: 15");
System.out.print("\nCost (so far) this month: $15");
balanceItemNum = origItemNum;
System.out.print("\nB (show Bill and starts new month)");
System.out.print("\nU (show Unused capacity for the current month)");
System.out.print("\nC (Consume vending items now -- " +
"purchase candy bar, bag of chips, etc.)");
System.out.print("\nA (buy Additional items for current month)");
System.out.print("\nQ (show bill and Quit)");
String strUserAnswer;
String strQuestion;
String choiceVerify;
Scanner input_stream = new Scanner(System.in);
strQuestion = new String("What choice would you like? Please" +
"enter in either option A, B, U, C- or enter E to quit. ");
strUserAnswer = input_stream.nextLine();
choice = (char) Integer.parseInt(strUserAnswer);
choiceVerify = ("You chose choice: ");
switch (selection)
case 'b':
case 'B':
System.out.print("\n\nClosing bill for month:");
// System.out.print("\nUnused items (lost):" );
// System.out.print(balanceItemNum);
// System.out.print("\nFinal amount due immediately: $" );
// System.out.print(balanceDebit);
// System.out.print("\nStarting new month ...Available items: 15");
// balanceItemNum = 15;
// balanceDebit = 15;
case 'u':
case 'U':
System.out.print("\nUnused capacity of items you can use: " );
// System.out.print(balanceItemNum);
// System.out.print("\nYour debit balance: $" );
// System.out.print(balanceDebit);
case 'c':
case 'C':
System.out.print("\nNumber of items you want to purchase:");
// Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
//items = input.nextDouble();
//balanceItemNum = balanceItemNum-items;
// balanceDebit = balanceDebit - items;
// System.out.print("\nAvailable Items: " );
// System.out.print(balanceItemNum);
case 'a':
case 'A':
String numberString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("\nAdditional " +
"items purchase in sets of 10 (1-3):");
// double number = Double.parseDouble(numberString);
// while (number == 1 || number == 2 || number == 3)
// number = number * 11;
// balanceItemNum = balanceItemNum + number;
// balanceDebit = balanceDebit + number;
case 'e':
case 'E':
System.out.print("\nYour debit balance: $" );
// System.out.print(balanceDebit);
while (choice != 'e' && choice != 'E');
System.out.print("\nError: Please enter in either B, U, C, A or Q.");