我对 F# 很陌生,我想实现以下问题的解决方案:从以随机顺序发现的一系列磁盘路径(例如 "C:\Hello\foo" "C:" 、 "C:\Hello\bar “等....)如何(有效地)构建树。假设:序列有效,即可以有效创建树。
这是我的实现,不变性可以防止对输入树产生副作用,因此我尝试对输入树使用 ref 单元格,但在递归时遇到了困难。有什么解决办法吗?
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
type Tree =
|Node of string*list<Tree>
let rec branchToTree (inputList:list<string>) =
match inputList with
| [] -> Tree.Empty
| head::tail -> Tree.Node (head, [branchToTree tail])
//branch cannot be empty list
let rec mergeInto (tree:Tree ref) (branch:list<string>) =
match !tree,branch with
| Node (value,_), head::tail when String.op_Inequality(value, head) -> raise (ApplicationException("Oops invariant loop broken"))
| Node (value,_), [_] -> ignore() //the branch is singleton and by loop invariant its head is the current Tree node -> nothing to do.
| Node (value,children), _ ->
let nextBranchValue = branch.Tail.Head //valid because of previous match
//broken attempt to retrieve a ref to the proper child
let targetChild = children
|> List.map (fun(child) -> ref child)
|> List.tryFind (fun(child) -> match !child with
|Empty -> false
|Node (value,_) -> value = nextBranchValue)
match targetChild with
|Some x -> mergeInto x branch.Tail //a valid child match then go deeper. NB: branch.Tail cannot be empty here
|None -> tree := Node(value, (Node (nextBranchValue,[])) :: children)//attach the next branch value to the children
| Empty,_ -> tree := branchToTree branch
type TreeTests () =
member this.BuildTree () =
let initialTree = ref Tree.Empty
let branch1 = ["a";"b";"c"]
let branch2 = ["a";"b";"d"]
do mergeInto initialTree branch1
//-> my tree is ok
do mergeInto initialTree branch2
//->not ok, expected a
// |
// b
// / \
// d c