I'm trying to allow my android app to post to facebook, a user selects a share option and if the app can retrieve the login data from the original facebook app it logs in and the user can share a message, otherwise they can provide the details. I've got the code working perfectly on a galaxy nexus running android 4.2.1 and emulator (4.2.2), but on my galaxy S4 (4.4.2) it doesn't work, it asks the user to access facebook profile and friends list. After you click accept it just goes back to the login screen. I expect it has something to do with the session not being passed back after login. Why does The exact same code work on a nexus and emulator but not a S4?


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所有开发者都需要注册 Facebook 开发者帐户。要添加开发人员,请转到您的应用程序页面,然后在角色部分中单击编辑角色。现在,您可以添加将在开发阶段使用您的应用程序的人员,包括管理员、开发人员和测试人员。

于 2013-06-29T09:55:10.210 回答