I'm about to adjust all drawables for an Android app for XXHDPI devices (like sony xperia Z and samsung s4). After thorough reading on Google's documentation, blogs, and SO, I'm confused as to the graphics I'm about to produce.

My concerns are the following:

  1. Google states that I shouldn't worry about this density as it scales up XHDPI graphics - In the same manner, (before XXHDPI devices) why the production of XHDPI graphics was a necessity and it didn't scale up HDPI graphics?

  2. Sony reminds developers not to exclude XXHDPI screens without clarifying if this concerns making adjustments to graphics - Do I have to redesign all graphic elements for XXHDPI?

  3. Based on (2), Sony Xperia Z Ultra has 342dpi density but it is categorized as an XXHDPI device. - If I produce the graphics for an XXHDPI, which is twice the size of an HDPI density, the graphics will scale down by almost 1/3 to match Sony's density and this is undesirable. Why doesn't Xperia Z use the XHDPI drawables? What if I have a pattern and I can't afford any scaling since I'll lose the detail of the pixel-perfect pattern?

  4. Are XXHDPI resources REALLY necessary?

I hope somebody can answer all the questions above.


Below are the results of slightly scaling a graphic to adjust to various densities

XHDPI pattern - xhdpi image (1:1) no scaling

XHDPI scaled up by 10% - xhdpi scaled up by 10%

XHDPI scaled down by 10% - xhdpi scaled down by 10%

The detail loss is obvious at 2nd and 3rd image.


3 回答 3

  1. 除非你真的需要你的图形是“像素完美的”,否则从 XHDPI 放大可能几乎适用于所有情况。像素太小,用户无法分辨。你真的有一个可以看到你的图形的 XXHDPI 设备吗?您可能必须为某些可绘制对象提供 XXHDPI 资源,就像您有时必须在 HDPI 不能很好地缩小时提供 MDPI 可绘制对象一样。
  2. 在这种情况下,“不排除”是指从清单中明确表示。一些开发人员在其清单中以密度为目标,这将影响应用程序未在 Play 商店中显示,这与实际图形无关。
  3. 在同一页上,它实际上说该设备的密度是 440 dpi?- “您会在最近发布的索尼 Xperia Z 中发现一个很棒的功能是它的 5 英寸屏幕,它拥有 440 dpi 的显示密度,”
于 2013-06-28T12:24:17.660 回答

XXHDPI 资源对于现代设备上的图标之类的东西是必不可少的。谷歌将改变他们的故事,并在他们发布自己的 XXHDPI Nexus 设备时开始推荐他们。

这样想:xxhdpi 设备几乎是标准的 Android 设备。由于 Google 跟不上,三星和 HTC 将所有东西都回滚到 XHDPI 的可能性很小。

于 2013-08-07T20:42:38.540 回答

1)Android缩放drawable选择将产生最佳结果的drawable https://stackoverflow.com/a/14004691/936414

2) 该帖子仅要求您在清单中包含 xxhdpi 屏幕支持。所有 XXHDPI 设备都从 XHDPI 获取资源并相应地对其进行缩放以适应。所以在 XXHDPI 文件夹中不需要单独的资源

3) 无需包含 XXHDPI 的资源。

于 2013-06-28T12:25:04.807 回答