我安装了学说,这与 zfcUser 一起使用。现在我想安装模块专辑,我得到以下错误:
发生 404 错误页面未找到。请求的控制器无法映射到现有的控制器类。
设置来自:http ://www.jasongrimes.org/2012/01/using-doctrine-2-in-zend-framework-2/
我安装了学说,这与 zfcUser 一起使用。现在我想安装模块专辑,我得到以下错误:
发生 404 错误页面未找到。请求的控制器无法映射到现有的控制器类。
设置来自:http ://www.jasongrimes.org/2012/01/using-doctrine-2-in-zend-framework-2/
It sounds like you may not have loaded the module in your /config/application.config.php
Should look something like this;
return array(
// This should be an array of module namespaces used in the application.
'modules' => array(
// etc ...
BTW, I am new to ZF2 and doctrine also - I found this example of the album module using doctrine that actually works and it was a great help to get started ( https://github.com/shanethehat/zf2-doctrine-tutorial )