In my application there are some values in list view and on clicking the list Item am getting values from database and passing it using intent in an array list

ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<String>();
            s = mDbHelper.fetchDetails(appName);
            // s.add(app_formno);
             * for(int i =0; i<Data.size();i++){ s.add(Data.get(position));
             * System.out.println(Data.get(position)+"*****"+i); }
            prefEditor.putBoolean("gotobundle", true);

            startActivity(new Intent(ListViewDetails.this,
                    ApplicationManagement.class).putExtra("list", s));

I am getting the array list in e bundle which is in Tab widget(TAB 1).

protected void onResume() {
    settings = getSharedPreferences("LandTshare", MODE_PRIVATE);
    prefEditor = settings.edit();

    boolean bool = settings.getBoolean("gotobundle", false);
    if (bool == true) {
        Bundle b = getParent().getIntent().getExtras();
        // ArrayList<String> bundlevalue = new ArrayList<String>();
        bundlevalue = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (b != null) {
            bundlevalue = b.getStringArrayList("list");

this code prints the respective values in tab 1 but when i go to tab 2 the value in the bundle is empty and my application force closes.. Below is the code in TAB 2

protected void onResume() { 
    boolean bool = settings.getBoolean("gotobundle", false);
    if(bool == true){
            if (Applicant.bundlevalue.size() > 124 == true){
            for (int i = 125; i <= 146; i++)

            if (Applicant.bundlevalue.get(125).equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
            } else {

what is the issue here?? i cant seem to figure out! Please help!


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