传递给搜索的字符串是(Experience:[1 TO 5])
它搜索所有数字的地方,如 15、25、21、51 等。我需要在数字 1 和 5 之间搜索,
using Lucene.Net.Store;
var results = new List<SearchResults>();
// Specify the location where the index files are stored
string indexFileLocation = @"G:\Lucene.Net\Data\Document";
var dir = Lucene.Net.Store.FSDirectory.GetDirectory(indexFileLocation);
var reader = IndexReader.Open(dir);
var searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
var analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
var queryParser = new QueryParser("Prof_ID", analyzer);
// <default field> is the field that QueryParser will search if you don't
string special = "";
if (!txtkeyword.Text.Equals(""))
special = special + "(Experience:[1 TO 5])";
var hits = searcher.Search(queryParser.Parse(special));
// Getting result to the list
for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length(); i++)
SearchResults result = new SearchResults();
result.Skillsummarry = hits.Doc(i).GetField("JS_Skill_Summary").StringValue();
result.Experience = hits.Doc(i).GetField("Experience").StringValue();
result.Profile_Id = hits.Doc(i).GetField("Prof_ID").StringValue();
GridView1.DataSource = results;