I have an array of arrays (a multi-dimensional array so to speak, doors in this example), in which wait and point are undefined.

var wait;
var point;
var doors = [
    [wait, doorWrap, 'regY', point, 10, 'bounceOut', 150, 5, 'bounceIn']
// ,[etc.]

I want to loop the doors array and for every iteration, execute the key() function, with the doors entries as arguments.

multiKey(doors, 500, 600);

function multiKey (keys, point, wait) {
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            wait *= i;
            key.apply(this, keys[i]);

Having passed 500 and 600 into the multiKey() function, I expected that point and wait would be defined before the key() function would run -- but heck, point and wait turn out to be undefined.

What is wrong? How could I go about solving this?

Sorry for the title too. I hope the question is clear enough though, because I had a hard time putting my problem into words! Thanks.


2 回答 2




var doors = [
// --v--wait            --v--point
    [0, doorWrap, 'regY', 0, 10, 'bounceOut', 150, 5, 'bounceIn']
// ,[etc.]

multiKey(doors, 500, 600);

function multiKey (keys, point, wait) {
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            keys[i][0] = wait * i;
            keys[i][3] = point
            key.apply(this, keys[i]);

JavaScript 没有指针,它的原始类型在分配时总是被复制。因此,当您包含并在其中时,您将复制undefienddoors数组中。waitpoint


于 2013-06-28T00:07:09.423 回答



于 2013-06-28T00:03:40.557 回答