如何通过忽略 .' 等其他字符来比较 MS Access 中的两列


Col1         Col2

"adA.'kd,"  adA.kd




2 回答 2


如果您只有几个字符要忽略,您可以尝试用空字符串替换它们。一个更好的方法是做一个正则表达式替换,像这样,你的正则表达式模式(patrn你的情况下的变量是正则表达式“[.,'\”]”来忽略句点、逗号、单引号和双引号(但我不确定转义在 MS Access 中是如何工作的),并且replStr只是“”,空字符串)

于 2013-06-27T23:37:04.740 回答

如果您打算使用 Regex,那么您可以在替换中使用字符类\W(相当于[^\w]),表示任何非单词字符。这不包括数字和下划线。如果您也想替换这些,请考虑[^A-Za-z];也就是说,任何不是字母的东西。

访问函数包括Replace但它不是很有用,因为它不允许我们指定一组要替换的字符。如果您使用 Access Query 来执行比较,那么您可以创建一个可以在查询中使用的 VBA 函数,类似于以下内容。

Function GetAlpha(strInput As String) As String
    'Returns a string containing only the letters from the input
    Dim strCheck As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim iLen As Integer
    Dim strOutput As String
    Dim ch As String

    strCheck = strInput   'remember the original input
    strInput = LCase(strInput)    'ignore case temporarily
    iLen = Len(strInput)
    For i = 1 To iLen
        ch = Mid(strInput, i, 1)
        If ch >= "a" And ch <= "z" Then
            'if a letter, build a string using the original letter from the input
            strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strCheck, i, 1)
        End If
    Next i
    GetAlpha = strOutput
End Function

在 Access 查询中,您将创建一个表达式,例如



Function CompareAlpha(strInput1 As String, strInput2 As String) As Boolean
    'case-insensitive comparison of the letters of two strings
    CompareAlpha = (StrComp(GetAlpha(strInput1), GetAlpha(strInput2), _
        vbBinaryCompare) = 0)
End Function

以下函数与上面的 GetAlpha() 完全相同,但可能稍微简洁一些:

Function GetAlpha(strInput As String) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim iLen As Integer
    Dim strOutput As String
    Dim ch As String

    iLen = Len(strInput)
    For i = 1 To iLen
        ch = LCase(Mid(strInput, i, 1))
        If ch >= "a" And ch <= "z" Then
            strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strInput, i, 1)
        End If
    Next i
    GetAlpha = strOutput
End Function


Function CheckAlpha(strInput As String) As Boolean
    Dim strCheck As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim iLen As Integer
    Dim strOutput As String
    Dim ch As String

    strCheck = strInput    'store the original input to compare later
    strInput = LCase(strInput)    'temporarily ignore case
    iLen = Len(strInput)
    For i = 1 To iLen
        ch = Mid(strInput, i, 1)
        If ch >= "a" And ch <= "z" Then
            'construct a string of only the letters from the original input
            strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strCheck, i, 1)
        End If
    Next i
    'is the letters-only version the same as the original input?
    CheckAlpha = (strCheck = strOutput)
    'use StrComp() for case-sensitivity. That is, we could use StrComp() to 
    'check if all letters were upper, or lower, case.
End Function

已添加作为对评论的回应,如果数据可能包含 NULL 值,则以下修订将返回空字符串“”而不是Type Mismatch错误。另一种方法是在调用 GetAlpha() 之前排除 NULL。

Function GetAlpha(varInput As Variant) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim iLen As Integer
    Dim strOutput As String
    Dim ch As String

    If IsNull(varInput) Then
        GetAlpha = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    iLen = Len(varInput)
    For i = 1 To iLen
        ch = LCase(Mid(varInput, i, 1))
        If ch >= "a" And ch <= "z" Then
            strOutput = strOutput & Mid(varInput, i, 1)
        End If
    Next i
    GetAlpha = strOutput
End Function
于 2013-06-27T23:53:03.487 回答