General Information
I have a ListView containing multiple columns. I have used a Microsoft Method to sort my ListView Columns. The ListView is populated by a SQL Query which correctly sorts Strings and Integers together (code shown below). For Example:
String & Integer Sorting Problem
The following JobNumber
strings are considered as sorted
"10", "1", "2", "3"
Using my SQL Query, they will become
"1", "2", "3", "10"
SQL String & Integer Sorter
Here is the Query I use to sort Strings and Integers correctly
SELECT PK_BillHeader, JobNumber, Description
FROM dbo.BillHeaders
ORDER BY Case IsNumeric(JobNumber)
When 1 Then Replicate('0', 50 - Len(JobNumber)) + JobNumber
Else JobNumber
This enters zeros until it gets the maximum length of my SQL column (50 chars) minus the JobNumber
's current length. That way, everything is considered as a string (including integers) which can then be sorted out correctly.
My Problem
When I click on the ListView Column Header (causing it to sort), it stops sorting the strings and integers correctly as it did with my SQL query. Instead, it sorts everything as a string which replicates my "String & Integer" sort problem once more ... What is more, if I have decimal values (second picture), it sorts them out pretty weird (see my compare code)
Compare Code
Public Function [Compare](ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer Implements IComparer.Compare
Dim xItem As clsSortWrapper = CType(x, clsSortWrapper)
Dim yItem As clsSortWrapper = CType(y, clsSortWrapper)
Dim xText As String = xItem.sortItem.SubItems(xItem.sortColumn).Text
Dim yText As String = yItem.sortItem.SubItems(yItem.sortColumn).Text
If Decimal.TryParse(xText, vbNull) Then xText = xText.PadLeft(10, "0"c)
If Decimal.TryParse(yText, vbNull) Then yText = yText.PadLeft(10, "0"c)
Return xText.CompareTo(yText) * IIf(Me.ascending, 1, -1)
End Function
Is there a simpler way to acheive my result of sorting a ListView with Strings and Integers?
I omitted posting the ListView Sort code here because it would've clustered the post quite a bit. I provided the link which explains it thoroughly.