Since upgrading to the new SDK v1.8.1 (from v1.7.5) my local development environment has slowed down horribly (3-4x longer for most pages). The problem seems to be with the new multiple server design (all dedicated backends have their own local ip address) and with unecessary warmup calls (calls to /_ah/warmup in logging). Has anyone else had a similar issue? If so, any idea of what the fix may be?
(Currently I am renaming my backends.yaml and removing warmup for services in app.yaml as a local fix)
My backends.yaml:
- name: big-indexer
class: B4_1G
options: dynamic, public
instances: 3
- name: indexer
class: B4
options: dynamic, public
instances: 3
- name: parallel-indexer
class: B2
options: dynamic, public
instances: 20