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"thumb thumb-on" : "thumb"; a.h == 2 && X() } } Z(0) } } function Z(b) { var a = u[d]; if (a) while (a--) u[a][m] = a != b && u[a].on == 0 ? "thumb" : "thumb thumb-on" } function gb(b) { var a = [], c = b[d]; while (c--) a.push(String.fromCharCode(b[c])); return a.join("") } var V = function (a, e, k, c, b, d, i) { setTimeout(function () { if (e && k == e - 1) { var i = {}; i.a = function () { h.o() }; for (var l in a) i[l] = a[l] } else i = a; typeof b[g] !== "undefined" && j.r(c, "width", b[g], d[g], a); typeof b[v] !== "undefined" && j.r(c, "height", b[v], d[v], a); j.r(c, f, b[f], d[f], i) }, i) }, cb = function (a) { e = a; this.b = 0; this.c() }, mb = [/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /.*([\w\-])\.(\w)(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /^(?:.*\.)?(\w)(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /.*([\w\-])([\w\-])\.com\.[^.]+$/, /^(\w)[^.]*(\w)+$/], H = function (b) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a[m] = b; return a }; cb.prototype = { c: function () { s = e.offsetWidth; w = e.offsetHeight; var i = M(e), j = i[d]; if (i[j - 1][m] == "navBulletsWrapper") return; var f; o = []; while (j--) { f = i[j]; if (f[D] == "BR") e.removeChild(f); else { f[c][R] = "none"; o.push(f); if (f[D] == "A") { if (f[m]) f[m] = "imgLink " + f[m]; else f[m] = "imgLink"; var n = this.z(f), k = f[p]("href"); if (n && typeof McVideo != "undefined" && k && k.indexOf("http") != -1) { f.onclick = function () { return this[p]("autoPlayVideo") == "true" ? false : h.d(this) }; McVideo.register(f, this) } } if (f[D] != "IMG") P(f, "img")[0][c][R] = "none" } } o.reverse(); b.d = o.length; a.m = Math.ceil(w * a.g / s); if (o[b.a][D] == "IMG") b.e = o[b.a]; else b.e = P(o[b.a], "img")[0]; if (o[b.a][D] == "A") o[b.a][c][R] = "block"; e[c][J] = 'url("' + b.e[p]("src") + '") no-repeat'; this.i(); L = this.k(); var l = this.v(), g = b.e[y]; if (this.z(g) && g[p]("autoPlayVideo") == "true") this.d(g); else if (a.i && b.d > 1) q = setTimeout(function () { l.y(l.n(1), 0, 1) }, a.b + a.c); if (a.h != 0) { e.onmouseover = bb; e.onmouseout = X } if (ab() == 300) e[c]["-webkit-transform"] = "translate3d(0,0,0)" }, d: function (c) { var a = McVideo.play(c, s, w); if (a) b.b = 2; return !this.b }, f: function () { I = H("navBulletsWrapper"); for (var f = [], a = 0; a < b.d; a++) f.push("<div rel='" + a + "'></div>"); I.innerHTML = f.join(""); for (var c = M(I), a = 0; a < c[d]; a++) { if (a == b.a) c[a][m] = "active"; c[a].onclick = function () { h.y(parseInt(this[p]("rel"))) } } e[F](I) }, g: function () { var d = M(I), a = b.d; while (a--) { if (a == b.a) d[a][m] = "active"; else d[a][m] = ""; if (o[a][D] == "A") o[a][c][R] = a == b.a ? "block" : "none" } }, h: function (a, e) { var c = function (b) { var a = b.charCodeAt(0).toString(); return a.substring(a[d] - 1) }, b = e.replace(mb[a - 2], nb[a - 2]).split(""); return "b" + a + b[1] + c(b[0]) + c(b[2]) }, i: function () { G = H("mc-caption"); N = H("mc-caption"); l = H("mc-caption-bg"); E(l, 0); l[F](N); n = H("mc-caption-bg2"); n[F](G); E(n, 0); n[c][z] = l[c][z] = N[c][z] = "hidden"; e[F](l); e[F](n); Q = [l.offsetLeft, l.offsetTop, G.offsetWidth]; G[c][g] = N[c][g] = G.offsetWidth + "px"; this.j() }, j: function () { if (a.k == 2) { C = A = { opacity: 0, width: 0, marginLeft: Math.round(Q[2] / 2) }; r = { opacity: 1, width: Q[2], marginLeft: 0 }; B = { opacity: a.j, width: Q[2], marginLeft: 0} } else if (a.k == 1) { C = A = { opacity: 0 }; r = { opacity: 1 }; B = { opacity: a.j} } }, k: function () { var a = b.e[p]("alt"); if (a && a.substr(0, 1) == "#") { var c = K(a.substring(1)); a = c ? c.innerHTML : "" } this.l(); return a }, l: function () { var e = 1; if (G.innerHTML[d] > 1) if (!a.k) l[c][z] = n[c][z] = "hidden"; else { e = 0; var b = { c: a.c * .3, b: a.k == 1 ? x.a.f : x.a.h, d: a.k == 1 ? 0 : 2 }, i = b; i.a = function () { l[c][z] = n[c][z] = "hidden"; h.m() }; if (typeof r[t] !== "undefined") { j.r(n, "width", r[g], C[g], b); j.r(l, "width", B[g], A[g], b); j.r(n, "marginLeft", r[t], C[t], b); j.r(l, "marginLeft", B[t], A[t], b) } if (typeof r[f] !== "undefined") { j.r(n, f, r[f], C[f], b); j.r(l, f, B[f], A[f], i) } } e && setTimeout(function () { h.m() }, a.c * .3) }, m: function () { N.innerHTML = G.innerHTML = L; if (L) { l[c][z] = n[c][z] = "visible"; if (a.k) { var d = a.c * a.k; if (d > 1e3) d = 1e3; var b = { c: d, b: a.k == 1 ? x.a.g : x.a.j, d: a.k == 1 ? 0 : 2 }; if (typeof r[t] !== "undefined") { j.r(n, "width", C[g], r[g], b); j.r(l, "width", A[g], B[g], b); j.r(n, "marginLeft", C[t], r[t], b); j.r(l, "marginLeft", A[t], B[t], b) } if (typeof r[f] !== "undefined") { j.r(n, f, C[f], r[f], b); j.r(l, f, A[f], B[f], b) } } else { E(n, 1); E(l, a.j) } } }, a: function (a) { return a.replace(/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])?[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]*$/, "$1$3$2") }, o: function () { b.c = 0; clearTimeout(q); q = null; e[c][J] = 'url("' + b.e[p]("src") + '") no-repeat'; var f = this, d = b.e[y]; if (this.z(d) && d[p]("autoPlayVideo") == "true") this.d(d); else if (!b.b && a.i) q = setTimeout(function () { f.y(f.n(b.a + 1), 0, 1) }, a.b); a.Oa.call(this, b.a, b.e) }, p: function (h) { b.c = 1; if (o[b.a][D] == "IMG") b.e = o[b.a]; else b.e = P(o[b.a], "img")[0]; this.g(); clearTimeout(U); L = this.k(); var g = P(e, "div"); i = g[d]; while (i--) if (g[i][m] == "mcSlc" || g[i][m] == "mcBox") { var j = e.removeChild(g[i]); delete j } var c = h ? h : a.n(); a.Ob.apply(this, [b.a, b.e, L, c]); Z(b.a); var f = c < 14 ? this.w(c) : this.x(); if (c < 9 || c == 15) { if (c % 2) f = f.reverse() } else if (c < 14) f = f[0]; if (c < 9) this.q(f, c); else if (c < 13) this.r(f, c); else if (c == 13) this.s(f); else if (c < 16) this.t(f, c); else this.u(f, c) }, q: function (b, e) { for (var h = 0, i = e < 7 ? { height: 0, opacity: -.4} : { width: 0, opacity: 0 }, k = { height: w, opacity: 1 }, a = 0, j = b[d]; a < j; a++) { if (e < 3) b[a][c].bottom = "0"; else if (e < 5) b[a][c][O] = "0"; else if (e < 7) { b[a][c][a % 2 ? "bottom" : "top"] = "0"; i[f] = -.2 } else { k = { width: b[a].offsetWidth, opacity: 1 }; b[a][c][g] = b[a][c][O] = "0"; b[a][c][v] = w + "px" } V({}, j, a, b[a], i, k, h); h += 50 } }, r: function (d, b) { d[c][g] = b < 11 ? "0px" : s + "px"; d[c][v] = b < 11 ? w + "px" : "0px"; E(d, 1); if (b < 11) d[c][O] = "0"; if (b == 9) { d[c].left = "auto"; d[c].right = "0px" } else if (b > 10) d[c][b == 11 ? "bottom" : "top"] = "0"; if (b < 11) var e = 0, f = s; else { e = 0; f = w } var i = { b: x.a.j, c: a.c * 1.6, a: function () { h.o() } }; j.r(d, b < 11 ? "width" : "height", e, f, i) }, s: function (b) { b[c][O] = "0"; b[c][g] = s + "px"; b[c][v] = w + "px"; var d = { c: a.c * 1.6, a: function () { h.o() } }; j.r(b, f, 0, 1, d) }, t: function (b) { var s = a.g * a.m, p = 0, n = 0, j = 0, h = 0, f = []; f[0] = []; for (var e = 0, o = b[d]; e < o; e++) { b[e][c][g] = b[e][c][v] = "0px"; f[j][h] = b[e]; h++; if (h == a.g) { j++; h = 0; f[j] = [] } } for (var q = { c: a.c / 1.3 }, k = 0, o = a.g * 2; k < o; k++) { for (var i = k, l = 0; l < a.m; l++) { if (i >= 0 && i < a.g) { var m = f[l][i]; V(q, b[d], p, m, { width: 0, height: 0, opacity: 0 }, { width: m.w, height: m.h, opacity: 1 }, n); p++ } i-- } n += 100 } }, u: function (a, j) { a = jb(a); for (var f = 0, b = 0, k = a[d]; b < k; b++) { var e = a[b]; if (j == 16) { a[b][c][g] = a[b][c][v] = "0px"; var h = { width: 0, height: 0, opacity: 0 }, i = { width: e.w, height: e.h, opacity: 1} } else { h = { opacity: 0 }; i = { opacity: 1} } V({}, a[d], b, e, h, i, f); f += 20 } }, bb: function (a) { this.b = a }, v: function () { this.f(); return (new Function("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", function (c) { for (var b = [], a = 0, e = c[d]; a < e; a++) b[b[d]] = String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(a) - 4); return b.join("") } ("zev$pAi,k,f,_55405490=;054=05550544a---?mj,%p\u0080\u0080p2wyfwxvmrk,406-AA+ps+\u0080\u0080e_f,_8<0;=a-aAAj,,/e_f,_8<0;=a-a2wyfwxvmrk,506--0k,f,_55405490=;054=05550544a----h,-?m2gepp,xlmw05-?\u0081ipwie_f,_=;0;=a-aAe_f,_=<0;=a-aAjyrgxmsr,-\u0081\u0081vixyvr$xlmw?"))).apply(this, [a, gb, o, fb, this.a, this.h, function (a) { return lb[a] }, hb, this.bb]) }, w: function (i) { for (var k = [], j = i > 8 ? s : Math.round(s / a.f), l = i > 8 ? 1 : a.f, h = 0; h < l; h++) { var f = H("mcSlc"); f[c].left = j * h + "px"; f[c][g] = (h == a.f - 1 ? s - j * h : j) + "px"; f[c][v] = "0px"; f[c][J] = 'url("' + b.e[p]("src") + '") no-repeat -' + h * j + "px 0%"; if (i == 10) f[c][J] = 'url("' + b.e[p]("src") + '") no-repeat right top'; else if (i == 12) f[c][J] = 'url("' + b.e[p]("src") + '") no-repeat left bottom'; f[c].zIndex = 1; f[c].position = "absolute"; E(f, 0); e[F](f); k[k[d]] = f } return k }, x: function () { for (var k = [], j = Math.round(s / a.g), i = Math.round(w / a.m), h = 0; h < a.m; h++) for (var f = 0; f < a.g; f++) { var d = H("mcBox"); d[c].left = j * f + "px"; d[c][O] = i * h + "px"; d.w = f == a.g - 1 ? s - j * f : j; d.h = h == a.m - 1 ? w - i * h : i; d[c][g] = d.w + "px"; d[c][v] = d.h + "px"; d[c][J] = 'url("' + b.e[p]("src") + '") no-repeat -' + f * j + "px -" + h * i + "px"; d[c].zIndex = 1; d[c].position = "absolute"; E(d, 0); e[F](d); k.push(d) } return k }, y: function (d, g, f) { if (b.c && !g || d == b.a) return 0; if (b.b == 2) { b.b = 0; var c = K("mcVideo"); if (c) { c.src = ""; var e = c[y][y].removeChild(c[y]); delete e } } clearTimeout(q); q = null; var a = b.a; b.a = this.n(d); if (f || !k.m) a = 0; else a = a > b.a ? "10" : "9"; this.p(a) }, n: function (a) { if (a >= b.d) a = 0; else if (a < 0) a = b.d - 1; return a }, To: function (a) { this.y(this.n(b.a + a)) }, z: function (a) { return a[m].indexOf(" video") > -1 } }; var T = function () { var a = K(k.sliderId); if (a && P(a, "img")[d] && a.offsetHeight) h = new cb(a); else setTimeout(T, 900) }; S(); ib(window, "load", T); var kb = function () { if (e) { j.d = []; clearTimeout(q); clearTimeout(U); q = U = null; var c = M(e), g = c[d]; while (g--) if (c[g][D] == "DIV") { var k = c[g][y].removeChild(c[g]); delete k } var f = K("mcVideo"); if (f) { f.src = ""; var i = f[y][y].removeChild(f[y]); delete i } b = { a: 0, e: "", d: 0, c: 0, b: 0} } S(); T(); if (!h.b) a.i = h.b }, db = 0, W = function (c) { if (++db < 20) if (!h || typeof tooltip == "undefined") setTimeout(function () { W(c) }, 300); else for (var b = M(I), a = 0; a < b[d]; a++) b[a].onmouseover = function () { tooltip.pop(this, c(parseInt(this[p]("rel")))) } }; return { displaySlide: function (c, b, a) { h.y(c, b, a) }, next: function () { h.To(1) }, previous: function () { h.To(-1) }, getAuto: function () { return a.i }, thumbnailPreview: function (a) { db = 0; W(a) }, switchAuto: function () { if (a.i = !a.i) h.To(1); else clearTimeout(q) }, setEffect: function (a) { Y(a) }, changeOptions: function (a) { for (var b in a) k[b] = a[b]; S() }, reload: kb, getElement: function () { return K(k.sliderId) } } }


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