I have an array of dictionaries as below.

NSMutableArray *newArray
        A = John;
        B = THAILAND;
        A = Jack;
        B = US;
        A = Lee;
        B = BRAZIL;
        A = Brandon;
        B = UK;
        A = Jill;
        B = JAPAN;
        A = Johnny;
        B = UK;
        A = Amar;
        B = AUSTRALIA;

I want to reorder the above array on the basis of another array (Key B of newArray) which is

NSArray *sortArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects"US",@"UK",nil];

That means my final array should contain US values first followed by UK followed by the rest. In short, how can I set my own order for an attribute/key in an Array.

How can I do that?

Expected Result :

NSMutableArray *finalArray
        A = Jack;
        B = US;
        A = Brandon;
        B = UK;
        A = Johnny;
        B = UK;
        A = John;
        B = THAILAND;
        A = Lee;
        B = BRAZIL;
        A = Jill;
        B = JAPAN;
        A = Amar;
        B = AUSTRALIA;

I have tried the below code which gives me ascending order of the key B.

[newArray sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"B" ascending:YES], nil]];

2 回答 2



[newArray sortUsingComparator:
    ^NSComparisonResult (id a, id b)
        NSUInteger indexOfA = [sortArray indexOfObject:[a objectForKey:@"B"]];
        NSUinteger indexOfB = ...same thing for b...;

        return [@(indexOfA) compare:@(indexOfB)];



于 2013-06-27T09:42:50.053 回答

为了根据既不是升序也不是降序而是随机用户定义顺序的特定键对字典数组进行排序,我使用 NSPredicate 编写了以下代码,我得到了预期的结果。

NSMutableArray *filterArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
        NSArray *sortArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"US",@"UK",@"THAILAND",@"BRAZIL",@"JAPAN",@"AUSTRALIA",nil];  // Array containing all the distinct value for the key 'Currency' in self defined order (neither descending nor ascending order).
        NSPredicate *predCurrency = nil;
        // Creating the predicate for individual objects in the sortArray and appending it to the filterArray.
        for (int i = 0; i < [sortArray count]; i++) {
            predCurrency = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(NEW_KEY_22 contains[cd] %@)",[sortArray objectAtIndex:i]];
            [filterArray addObjectsFromArray:[myNewArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predCurrency]];
        // Finally setting the filterArray to the array controller.
        [commercialArrayController  addObjects:filterArray];     // This gives the resultant array having the defined order in sortArray.
于 2013-07-05T12:50:33.550 回答