I'm working with a site developed by an external developer. I've noticed the code they use for accordions only supports a fixed number of accordion items per page (even though their CMS can create an unlimited amount of items marked as being displayed accordion-style). I'm trying to tidy this up to avoid confusing my colleagues later down the line.

I'm trying to add a standard Mootools more accordion, but when I add it to a page I get the error below:

Uncaught TypeError: Property 'container' of object # is not a function mootools-core-1.4.5-full-compat.js:683

Here's an example page - the links in tags below 'Session details - Click the titles below for more information on each session.' should all be accordions.

I'm calling this code at the bottom of my page from http://www.aua.ac.uk/scripts/accordion.js:

window.addEvent('domready', function(){
    new Fx.Accordion($$('#sub_left .accordion_heading'),$$('#sub_left .accordion_holder'), {
        opacity: 0,
        display: -1,
        alwaysHide: true

Using these versions of Mootools (referenced at the top of the page in the head):

mootools-core-1.4.5-full-compat.js and mootools-more-

Here is a fiddle using those verions of mootools, a portion of the HTML from my page, and the same accordion code - and it's all working. I think there is a conflict somewhere on my full page but I can't work out where.


Does anyone have any idea how to either fix this, or where to start debugging it - other than removing code/links to JS files one by one?

How to avoid XSS in this c:out?

Normally i scan my code changes using veracode to detect security vulnerabilities. Now there is a string in DB which i am collecting in a string called custFunctionality and previously i was displaying this in jsp as :

out.println(<%= custFunctionality %>);

Well veracode scanned it and let me know that it constitutes a security defect.

So i used c: out here as :

<c:out escapexml='false' value='${custFunctionality }'/>

Now the problem here is that the string consists of html related mark up and special characters which i need to show in the page and if i don't give escapexml='false' those characters and mark ups don't materialize. However, since there is escapexml='false' string here in the code, this constitutes a security defect for veracode as i found it out after re scanning the file.

Can anyone suggest me an alternate solution out of this quagmire ?


1 回答 1


microsoft 的 js 与 mootools Array 产生了一些冲突,实现:

 <script src="/WebResource.axd?d=maKRZUGfDX1oNLvbjE5CVpp8Freqy1QYQvNjdATWoN2tEAP8BRYB9DDy6RYI9PQwhPak11VYG6N-fakPxQX9OdjCS0k1&amp;t=634604425351482412" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="/ScriptResource.axd?d=WSd7pLxkPBvO2m8zwahAn--zWk9drBpRcPo6hiP5S6h3lc4U02xAjGNhWI80hxb4tjqMmAYSYPB7ziM6k7g74E-bBOiz7xRre8hSbGF4tJ2E6c8VeX-W4J-tQv1ZL10ruL5uPffOFyiUX3xZVWWQT_YClyI1&amp;t=ffffffffb868b5f4" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/ScriptResource.axd?d=bawOzJp1LF5Sj6rS_r-W75i2ouoWmFBvTNI9zqR0q_Lsf42KbPAaMTrPFSZ9jqam3zDWOHBUgNgKBDwGos_WSLyBOzTAzYVuGRRlgWxM0Jm-uc_fb8NPaprYxmDuvgVoemZKvN0bfNIpr2yzsXUjhCVB-0dFOF6qHbKXJEXRN_LWShmr0&amp;t=ffffffffb868b5f4" type="text/javascript"></script>



于 2013-07-01T09:35:40.387 回答