I'm posting the following to /db/data/batch in the attempt to retrieve a node and update its properties in one go.

[{"method":"POST","to":"/cypher","body":{"params":{},"query":"start x = node(683) return x"},"id":1},{"method":"PUT","to":"{1}/properties","body":{"score":100,"pp":1},"id":2}]

From what I've seen online it looks OK, But I'm getting the following error response

onData:  {

  "message" : "Illegal character in path at index 2: ./{1}/properties",

 "exception" : "IllegalArgumentException",

  "fullname" : "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",

If it matters I'm Using AS3-JSON and neo4j 2.0 I suspect its something to with Flash's JSON.stringify messing up the "{1}/properties" yet the outgoing message looks fine.
Any ideas?


1 回答 1


You can't batch cypher and refer to the things returned by it, AFAIK.

If you're doing cypher, you could just do start x=node(683) set x.score=100, x.pp=1. (passing in params)

于 2013-06-27T08:53:37.143 回答