I am just starting to learn Foundation (from previous messy css experience). I am trying to do a full screen block grid of 4 col images per row. I have this to make the row full width:

  max-width: 100%

Here is the code:

<nav class='top-bar'>
  <ul class='title-area'>
    <li class='name'>
        <a href='#'>
          My Website
    <li class='toggle-topbar menu-icon'>
      <a href='#'>
  <section class='top-bar-section'></section>
<div class='row'>
  <ul class='small-block-grid-2 large-block-grid-4'>
      <img src='http://placehold.it/500x500&text=Thumbnail' />
      <img src='http://placehold.it/500x500&text=Thumbnail' />
      <img src='http://placehold.it/500x500&text=Thumbnail' />
      <img src='http://placehold.it/500x500&text=Thumbnail' />

I am getting annoying horizontal scroll bar. See below screenshot

enter image description here

I know it is the margin below:

@media only screen
  margin: 0 -0.625em;

But do I suppose to override it? It doesn't feel right (seem like a hack). How do I use Foundation properly to display block grid with full screen? It's a simple layout requirement.


3 回答 3


如果您查看解释Foundation 网格的文档,他们已经使用了box-sizing: border-boxstar hack

由于.row包含您block-grid的设置最大宽度为 100%,因此它超出了屏幕宽度。通常,网格中的元素将嵌套在.rows定义的列大小中max-widths,也包含在定义的列大小内。


@media only screen [class*="block-grid-"] margin: 0 2em;

或者你可以只.block-grid用一个容器来装你<div class="large-12 columns">

我会说其他六个中的六个。如果您害怕搞砸网格布局,您可以在 body 标签上使用条件类,这样您的自定义block-grid只会影响您想要的页面。

于 2013-06-27T08:19:24.297 回答


<div class="block-grid-parent">
  <ul class="block-grid">

.block-grid-parent {
  overflow: hidden;
于 2014-05-08T01:39:26.510 回答

看看Paul Irish 的这个演示

* { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }


于 2013-06-27T07:22:09.337 回答