我已经能够使用随机方法来完成我的大部分任务,即尝试随机填充标签和 RadioButtonList 项以创建 5 个问题的测验。鉴于它所提取的大量问题,该代码生成了一个很好的混合问题。
但是,随机填充 RadioButtonList 项的内部代码表现得很有趣。
当我在我的 while 循环中设置断点并逐步运行它时,答案会在下一个问题上以不同的顺序填充。
但是,当我只是打开浏览器并从我部署到的 Sharepoint 网站上运行它时,答案在每个下一个问题/所有问题上都遵循相同的顺序。注意:它确实会在页面刷新时抛出独特的订单;换句话说,当我再次开始测验时。
public void LoadQuestions()
SPWeb thisWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList oSPList = thisWeb.Lists["QuestionsAndAnswers"];
SPListItemCollection oSPListItemCollection = oSPList.Items;
Random rand = new Random();
List<int> tempStore = new List<int>();
List<int> tempStore2 = new List<int>();
int tempValue = 0;
//int tempValue2 = 0;
int icount = 1;
int iMax = oSPListItemCollection.Count;
//int icount2 = 0;
//int iMax2 = oSPListItemCollection.Count;
SPListItem thisItem;
Label thisQuestion;
Label thisCorrectAnswer;
RadioButtonList thisAnswers;
while (icount < 6)
tempValue = rand.Next(1, iMax);
if (tempStore.Exists(value => value == tempValue))
thisQuestion = (Label)UpdatePanelMaster.FindControl("Question" + icount.ToString());
thisItem = oSPListItemCollection[tempValue];
thisQuestion.Text = icount + ". " + thisItem["Question"].ToString();
thisCorrectAnswer = (Label)UpdatePanelMaster.FindControl("CorrectAnswer" + icount.ToString());
thisCorrectAnswer.Text = thisItem["CorrectAnswer"].ToString();
thisAnswers = (RadioButtonList)UpdatePanelMaster.FindControl("RadioButtonList" + icount.ToString());
//Entering code to handle random answer arrangements
//This code works ok when run in a step by step debug fashion but no when deployed and run from the website directly.
Missing/Changes required?
int tempValue2;
int Icounter = 0;
string[] AnswerArr = new string[] { thisItem["CorrectAnswer"].ToString(), thisItem["IncorrectAnswer1"].ToString(), thisItem["IncorrectAnswer2"].ToString(), thisItem["IncorrectAnswer3"].ToString() };
Random rand2 = new Random();
while (Icounter < 4)
tempValue2 = rand2.Next(0, 13);//max number of items in the array
decimal toCeilingVar = tempValue2 / 4;
int fraction = Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Ceiling(toCeilingVar));
string tempArrValue = AnswerArr[fraction];
if (thisAnswers.Items.FindByValue(tempArrValue) == null)
//add new value because the current value is not in the list
tempArrValue = string.Empty;
tempValue2 = 0;
toCeilingVar = 0;
fraction = 0;
//End Random Answer handling
tempValue = 0;
//End random question handling
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;