我正在使用 Laravel 4 的 laravel-oauth2 包来设置 Facebook 登录。我正在使用这里看到的包: https ://github.com/madewithlove/laravel-oauth2
运行控制登录的页面时,public/oauth/facebook,Facebook 提示出现正常,但是当我单击“接受”时,页面吐出以下错误:
Argument 1 passed to OAuth2\Provider\Facebook::get_user_info() must be an instance of OAuth2\Token\Token_Access, instance of OAuth2\Token_Access given, called in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/crowdsets/laravel-master/app/controllers/Oauth2Controller.php on line 36 and defined
它指向/vendor/taylorotwell/laravel-oauth2/src/OAuth2/Provider/Facebook.php: 26
Facebook.php 中的get_user_info()
public function get_user_info(Token_Access $token)
$url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me?'.http_build_query(array(
'access_token' => $token->access_token,
$user = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
// Create a response from the request
return array(
'uid' => $user->id,
'nickname' => $user->username,
'name' => $user->name,
'email' => $user->email,
'location' => $user->hometown->name,
'description' => $user->bio,
'image' => 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/picture?type=normal&access_token='.$token->access_token,
'urls' => array(
'Facebook' => $user->link,
我的 Oauth2Controller.php 文件如下所示:
use OAuth2\OAuth2;
use OAuth2\Token_Access;
use OAuth2\Exception as OAuth2_Exception;
class Oauth2Controller extends BaseController
public function getIndex($provider) {
$provider = OAuth2::provider($provider, array(
'id' => '****************',
'secret' => '********************',
if(! isset($_GET['code'])) {
return $provider->authorize();
// Howzit?
$params = $provider->access($_GET['code']);
$token = new Token_Access(array(
'access_token' => $params->access_token
$user = $provider->get_user_info($token);
// Here you should use this information to A) look for a user B) help a new user sign up with existing data.
// If you store it all in a cookie and redirect to a registration page this is crazy-simple.
echo "<pre>";
catch (OAuth2_Exception $e)
show_error('That didnt work: '.$e);