免责声明:这是未经测试的,源于好奇和一些玩弄。如果您想使用它而不是走“更安全”的路线,请自行判断。欢迎评论,如果有人想多玩一点,这是我使用的sqlfiddle 。其余的都出乎意料了,但是已经很晚了,所以请不要对任何错误投反对票。
create table foo(id int, newid int);
insert into foo (id) values (1), (2), (3);
update foo, (select @prev:=0) vars
set foo.newid = @prev,
foo.id = if(@prev := id, id, id);
select * from foo
| ID | NEWID |
| 1 | 0 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
SET @prev = 1; /*this is the value the row should have which has no previous year (or if countryID or industry changed)*/
SET @prevCountry = (SELECT countryID FROM MarketSizes ORDER BY `year`, countryID, industry, marketSizeID LIMIT 1);
SET @prevIndustry = (SELECT industry FROM MarketSizes ORDER BY `year`, countryID, industry, marketSizeID LIMIT 1);
/*also it's important to initialize the variable before-hand, not on the fly like in the example above. Otherwise MySQL complains about a syntax error, because it doesn't support an ORDER BY clause in a multi-table update statement. ORDER BY will be important in the statement!*/
UPDATE MarketSizes
SET growthRate = (annualSales - @prev) / @prev, /*here @prev holds the value of the previous row*/
/*and here come's your "where" clause. If country or industry change reset previousYear value to 1*/
marketSizeID = IF(@prevCountry != countryID OR @prevIndustry != industry, IF(@prev := 1, marketSizeID, marketSizeID), IF(@prev := 1, marketSizeID, marketSizeID)), /*why the convoluted IF()s? see explanation below, things got a bit messed up*/
marketSizeID = IF(@prev := annualSales, marketSizeID , marketSizeID), /*here the value of the current row gets assigned to @prev*/
/*Why the update on marketSizeID? And the IF(this,then,else)? That's the trick. Every other way to assign a new value to our variable @prev results in a syntax error. I just chose the primary key, because it's there. Actually it doesn't matter which column is used here and it might be another performance boost to choose a column which has no index on it (primary key has of course).*/
marketSizeID = IF(@prevCountry := countryID, marketSizeID, marketSizeID),
marketSizeID = IF(@prevIndustry := industry, marketSizeID, marketSizeID)
ORDER BY `year`, countryID, industry, marketSizeID;