0.0 aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff 100 000 ---------->line1
0.2 aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff 101 011 ---------->line2
0.5 dd:ee:ff aa:bb:cc 230 001 ---------->line3
0.9 dd:ee:ff aa:bb:cc 231 110 ---------->line4
1.2 dd:ee:ff aa:bb:cc 232 101 ---------->line5
1.4 aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff 102 1111 ---------->line6
1.6 aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff 103 1101 ---------->line7
1.7 aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff 108 1001 ---------->line8
2.4 dd:ee:ff aa:bb:cc 233 1000 ---------->line9
2.8 gg:hh:ii jj:kk:ll 450 1110 ---------->line10
3.2 jj:kk:ll gg:hh:ii 600 010 ---------->line11
i. The lines should be consecutive(lines 1 and 2)
ii. Should have same second and third column, but fourth column should be differed by 1.
例如,(aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff) 对应的组是 (line1, line2) & (lin6, line7) & (line8)。最终输出应该是,(aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff) = [1.4 0.3]。
因为 1.4 = line6,line1 之间的时间戳差异。0.3 是第 8 行,第 6 行 (aa:bb:cc dd:ee:ff) 条目之间的时间差。
这些应该针对所有 (column2 column3) 对进行计算。
with open("luawrite") as f:
#read the first line and set the number from it as the value of `prev`
num = next(f).rsplit(None,2)[-2:]
prev = int(num)
count = 1 #initialize `count` to 1
for lin in f:
num = lin.rsplit(None,2)[-2:]
num = int(num) #use `str.rsplit` for minimum splits
if num - prev == 1: #if current `num` - `prev` == 1
count+=1 # increment `count`
prev = num # set `prev` = `num`
print count #else print `count` or write it to a file
count = 1 #reset `count` to 1
prev = num #set `prev` = `num`
if num - prev !=1:
print count
我通过将第 2 列和第 3 列作为字典键尝试了各种方法,但是有多个组对应于同一个键。这听起来对我来说是一项艰巨的任务。请帮我解决这个棘手的问题。