我正在尝试在 Eclipse 上安装 google gwt 工具,因为我去帮助--->安装新软件--->在文本区域中我使用了这个链接
Google Update Site for Eclipse 4.2 - http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.2
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r42
(com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.e42.feature.feature.group 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r42)
Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r42
(com.google.gdt.eclipse.suite.e42.feature.feature.group 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r42) requires
'org.objectweb.asm 0.0.0' but it could not be found