
[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.NotAllowed)]
public interface IMyService
    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    [ReceiveContextEnabled(ManualControl = true)]
    void DoSomething(Message<XElement> message);

我想从我的客户端异步调用它(使用不是从 svcutil 生成的共享合同或添加服务引用)我可以这样做:

Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => myService.DoSomething(message));

... some other code



[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.NotAllowed)]
public interface ICacheKeyExchangeAsync
    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, AsyncPattern = true)]
    [ReceiveContextEnabled(ManualControl = true)]
    IAsyncResult BeginDoSomething(Message<XElement> message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    void EndDoSomething(IAsyncResult result);


IAsyncResult result = myService.BeginDoSomething(message, null, null);

.... some other code




2 回答 2



CLR 线程池将线程分为两种类型:worker 和 I/O(有关它们的更多信息,您可以在Simple description of worker and I/O threads in .NETMSDN中找到)。一般来说,线程池为您提供每个核心 250 个工作线程和 1000 个 I/O 线程,因此您可以使用工作线程来处理 WCF 服务输入,并使用 I/O 线程等待异步发送/接收操作完成(支持在 Windows 操作系统级别通过重叠 I/O机制)。


 int worker;
 int ioCompletion;
 ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out worker, out ioCompletion);
 Console.WriteLine("{0} worker and {1} I/O threads are available", worker, ioCompletion);


APM 方法用于单向 WCF 操作。

对于 WCF 合同:

 public interface IService1
     [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, AsyncPattern = true)]
     IAsyncResult BeginDoSomething(int value, AsyncCallback callback, object state);

     void EndDoSomething(IAsyncResult result);

让我们使用下一个代码从客户端向服务器发送 100 个请求:

ChannelFactory<IService1> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IService1>();
var client = channelFactory.CreateChannel();

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    int worker;
    int ioCompletion;
    ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out worker, out ioCompletion);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} worker and {1} I/O threads are available", worker, ioCompletion);

    client.BeginDoSomething(i, asyncCallback, null);


1023 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 996 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 996 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 996 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available

如您所见,我的 x4 核心机器上的所有工作线程都可用,并且正在使用几个 I/O 线程。

作为 TPL 任务运行同步单向操作。

对于 WCF 合同:

 public interface IService2
     [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
     void DoSomething(int value);

让我们使用下一个代码从客户端到服务器运行 100 个请求(只是想注意 TPL 使用 CLR ThreadPool underhood):

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    int worker;
    int ioCompletion;
    ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out worker, out ioCompletion);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} worker and {1} I/O threads are available", worker, ioCompletion);

    Task.Run(() => client.DoSomething(i));


1023 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1022 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1021 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1020 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1019 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available

如您所见,现在正在使用工作线程,但没有使用 I/O 线程。



  • 利用线程池中的工作线程和 I/O 线程(尤其是对于高负载的应用程序)来防止瓶颈;
  • 在 Task 中封装异步操作,因此您可以获得 TPL 的所有好处和新的 C# async/await 特性;
  • 异步执行 OneWay 操作是绝对合理的(考虑到有时OneWay实际上不是 OneWay)。

因此,推荐的方法是WCF 的基于任务的异步模式,它满足上述所有要求。

WCF 的基于任务的异步模式。


public interface IService3
    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    Task DoSomethingAsync(int value);

让我们再次发送 100 个请求:

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
     int worker;
     int ioCompletion;
     ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out worker, out ioCompletion);
     Console.WriteLine("{0} worker and {1} I/O threads are available", worker, ioCompletion);


1023 worker and 1000 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 998 I/O threads are available
1023 worker and 999 I/O threads are available
于 2013-06-29T13:29:04.400 回答

OneWay = true



    public void Test()


AsyncPattern = true

如果您希望客户端等待操作结束(例如在它开始另一个操作之前),这很有用。如果是OneWay,客户端将发送一个请求并忘记它 - 它不关心发生了什么。当AsyncPattern服务完成执行该方法时,客户端将等待通知。

该模式还有一个额外的好处 - 如果您需要它,它允许您在方法完成服务执行时运行一些代码。例如,当创建一个DuplexService需要管理客户端处理程序并在某些事件发生时向客户端发送通知时,它很有用。

PS。关于您帖子的这一部分,我有点不确定:“使用不是从 svcutil 生成的共享合同或添加服务参考”。我认为这对我的回答并不重要,但以防万一,我将在此处保留此免责声明。;)

于 2013-06-27T08:55:45.383 回答