在我的 Mac 上尝试安装kaldi asr工具包时,我总是遇到一些问题。(操作系统:10.8.4,已安装 xCode 和命令行工具)

我的方法与 kaldi 教程中推荐的方法差不多:

  1. 通过 svn 检查存储库(我已经尝试过主干版和稳定版)
  2. 在运行 $ make 或 $ ./install.sh 的工具目录中,具体取决于特定版本中的安装说明(我也尝试了 ./install_atlas.sh 方法)

出于某种原因,第 2 步似乎适用于除 openfst 之外的非可选库......为了让 openfst 工作,我通过自制软件(版本 1.3.3)安装了它,我认为 kaldi 默认会安装版本 1.2.10 .. . 这是一个问题吗?

无论如何,假设 kaldi 也可以使用这个 openfst,我尝试在 src 目录中运行 configure,如 $ cd ../src; 。/配置; ...但配置命令总是返回“您必须从 src/ 目录运行“配置”。



1 回答 1


Step 2 seems to work for the non-optional libraries except for openfst for some reason... To get openfst to work I installed it via homebrew (version 1.3.3), I think kaldi by default would install version 1.2.10 ... is this a problem?

Yes, it is a problem. To understand what went wrong you need to study build log. To get help on build issues you need to provide build log with the problem.

Anyway, assuming that kaldi can work with this openfst as well, I tried to run configure in the src directory like $ cd ../src; ./configure; ... but the configuration command always returns 'You must run "configure" from the src/ directory.'

You are probably missing some dependencies, for example you might miss basename binary and that would break the script. You can add

set -x

to configure script to find out what was wrong exactly to collect commands trace. Running complex software on Mac without understanding how shell works is like shooting yourself in the leg. Try to run on Linux or prepare to understand what the script actually does.

于 2013-06-27T11:15:23.510 回答