
{-#Language MultiParamTypeClasses#-}
{-#Language FunctionalDependencies#-}
{-#Language UndecidableInstances#-}

data Zero
data Succ a

class Number a
instance Number Zero
instance (Number a) => Number (Succ a)

class NotFunction a
instance NotFunction Int
instance NotFunction Float
instance NotFunction (IO a)

class (Number n) => FunctionLevel f n | f -> n where
  functionLevel :: f -> n
instance FunctionLevel Int Zero where
  functionLevel = undefined
instance FunctionLevel Float Zero where
  functionLevel = undefined
instance FunctionLevel (IO a) Zero where
  functionLevel = undefined
instance FunctionLevel Double Zero where
  functionLevel = undefined
instance (FunctionLevel f' n) => FunctionLevel (a->f') (Succ n) where
  functionLevel = undefined


*Main> :t functionLevel (undefined::a->b->Int)
functionLevel (undefined::a->b->Int) :: Succ (Succ Zero)
*Main> :t functionLevel (undefined::a->b->Double)
functionLevel (undefined::a->b->Double) :: Succ (Succ Zero)
*Main> :t functionLevel (undefined::a->b->c->d->IO a)
functionLevel (undefined::a->b->c->d->IO a)
  :: Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))
*Main> :t functionLevel (undefined::a->b->c->d->Int)
functionLevel (undefined::a->b->c->d->Int)
  :: Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))



2 回答 2




import Data.Typeable
import Test.Hspec

arityOf :: Typeable a => a -> Int
arityOf x = go $ typeOf x
    go tr
      | isFun $ typeRepTyCon tr = 1 + go (last $ snd $ splitTyConApp tr)
      | otherwise               = 0

    funTyCon = typeRepTyCon $ typeOf ((1+):: Int -> Int)
    isFun = (funTyCon ==)

main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec

func :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
func = undefined

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "arityOf" $ do
  it "evaluates Integers correctly" $ arityOf (1::Int) `shouldBe` 0
  it "evaluates Strings correctly" $ arityOf "(1::Int)" `shouldBe` 0
  it "evaluates monads correctly" $ arityOf main `shouldBe` 0
  it "evaluates multiplications correctly" $ arityOf ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int)
    `shouldBe` 2
  it "is not deceived by non-tail argument" $ arityOf func `shouldBe` 2
于 2013-06-26T13:01:05.607 回答

我找到了一种适用于 GHC 7.6.1 的类型族方法。不过,这有点小技巧,因为决定什么是“结束类型”的问题是通过用包装器标记来解决的:

-- requires GHC.TypeLits, DataKinds, TypeFamilies and so on
newtype V a = V { unV :: a }

type family GetF f :: Nat
type instance GetF (V s) = 0
type instance GetF (a -> b) = 1 + (GetF b)

data Forget (x :: k) -- for showing types of kind Nat


*Main> :t undefined :: Forget (GetF (Int -> (Char -> Char -> V Bool)))
undefined :: Forget (GetF (Int -> (Char -> Char -> V Bool)))
  :: Forget Nat (1 + (1 + (1 + 0)))


type family GetF' f :: Nat where
  GetF' (a -> b) = 1 + (GetF' b)
  GetF' a = 0


于 2013-07-03T12:39:15.077 回答