从 Facebook SDK 示例代码中,当成功将打开的图形对象发布到时间线时,您必须在 Facebook 网站上的Activity Log中单击Show on Timeline 。
How to ignore these steps and explicitly share your OG to timeline?
从 Facebook SDK 示例代码中,当成功将打开的图形对象发布到时间线时,您必须在 Facebook 网站上的Activity Log中单击Show on Timeline 。
How to ignore these steps and explicitly share your OG to timeline?
我已将此答案移出@isaacselement 问题。
id<FBOpenGraphAction> action = (id<FBOpenGraphAction>) [FBGraphObject graphObject];
[action setObject: @"true" forKey: @"fb:explicitly_shared"]; // This is the key point!
您应该在网站的Facebook 开发者应用仪表板中为打开图形操作启用“显式共享”设置。
You can use Scocial.framework for to directy post on facebook. It just use users built in facebook account associated with ios. And you will be able to post on timeline.