在 MATLAB 中,我试图按日历年“ m ”(nxtPdOut(nn).datePdLow )过滤掉结构nxtPdOut,并将每个nxtPdOut(nn)元素插入到新结构yoyComp(m)中。希望这不会太令人困惑,但我会尝试进一步解释。


nxtPdOut(1).datePdLow = 734505;
nxtPdOut(1).a = 111;
nxtPdOut(1).b = 222;
nxtPdOut(2).datePdLow = 734510;
nxtPdOut(2).a = 333;
nxtPdOut(2).b = 444;
nxtPdOut(3).datePdLow = 734868;
nxtPdOut(3).a = 888;
nxtPdOut(3).b = 887;

nxtPdOut(4).datePdLow = 734869;
nxtPdOut(4).a = 555;
nxtPdOut(4).b = 666;
nxtPdOut(5).datePdLow = 734872;
nxtPdOut(5).a = 777;
nxtPdOut(5).b = 888;
nxtPdOut(6).datePdLow = 734880;
nxtPdOut(6).a = 999;
nxtPdOut(6).b = 1010;

nxtPdOut(7).datePdLow = 735235;
nxtPdOut(7).a = 999;
nxtPdOut(7).b = 1010;
nxtPdOut(8).datePdLow = 735300;
nxtPdOut(8).a = 999;
nxtPdOut(8).b = 1010;

以下代码将确定要排序的m年(注意:m年不会是恒定的,并且总是会根据 numYrs 变化):

numYrs = 2;
tDay = datevec(date);
for m=1:1:numYrs+1
    if m == 1
        yrs(:,:,m) = [tDay(1,1) tDay(1,2)-tDay(1,2)+1 tDay(1,3)-...
            tDay(1,3)+1 0 0 0];
        yrs(:,:,m) =  [yrs(1,1,1)-m+1 1 1 0 0 0];
jj = size(yrs(1,1,:));
for j=1:1:jj(3)
    yrsStr(1,j) = datenum(yrs(:,:,j));
yrsStr = fliplr(yrsStr); %ascending serial numbers

% Output for yrsStr: 
% yrsStr = [734504      734869      735235]
% FYI:  (datestr(yrsStr(1)) == 01-Jan-2011; 
%    datestr(yrsStr(2)) == 01-Jan-2012; 
%    datestr(yrsStr(1)) == 01-Jan-2013


nn = 1;
for n = 1:length(yrsStr)-1
    yoyComp(n).signals = nxtPdOut(nn).(nxtPdOut.datePdLow >= yrsStr(n) &...
        nxtPdOut(nn).datePdLow < yrsStr(n+1));

    while nn <= numel(nxtPdOut)
        if nxtPdOut(nn)
            yoyComp(n).signals = nxtPdOut

我正在尝试按日历年过滤nxtPdOut并将结果放入新结构yoyComp中。例如,734504 <= elements < 734869 进入 yoyComp(1);734869 <= 元素 < 735235 进入 yoyComp(2); 最后,元素 >= 735235 进入 yoyComp(3)。有关所需的输出,请参阅以下内容:

yoyComp(1).out(1).datePdLow = 734505;
yoyComp(1).out(1).a = 111;
yoyComp(1).out(1).b = 222;
yoyComp(1).out(2).datePdLow = 734510;
yoyComp(1).out(2).a = 333;
yoyComp(1).out(2).b = 444;
yoyComp(1).out(3).datePdLow = 734868;
yoyComp(1).out(3).a = 888;
yoyComp(1).out(3).b = 887;

yoyComp(2).out(1).datePdLow = 734869;
yoyComp(2).out(1).a = 555;
yoyComp(2).out(1).b = 666;
yoyComp(2).out(2).datePdLow = 734872;
yoyComp(2).out(2).a = 777;
yoyComp(2).out(2).b = 888;
yoyComp(2).out(3).datePdLow = 734880;
yoyComp(2).out(3).a = 999;
yoyComp(2).out(3).b = 1010;

yoyComp(3).out(1).datePdLow = 735235;
yoyComp(3).out(1).a = 999;
yoyComp(3).out(1).b = 1010;
yoyComp(3).out(2).datePdLow = 735300;
yoyComp(3).out(2).a = 999;
yoyComp(3).out(2).b = 1010;



1 回答 1


You should add a final inf term to your yrsStr and then you can use the amended code at the bottom of this answer to create your yoyComp structure. The main change I've made has been to use logical indexing, and capture the output of the structure's fields by surrounding the expression with square brackets (see [nxtPdOut.datePdLow]).

Here's a basic demonstration of what I mean

For the structure

a(1).b = 5
a(2).b = 6
a(3).b = 7

You can interact with it in the following way, either:

>> a.b

ans =


ans =


ans =


Or by capturing the results into a vector:

>> [a.b]

ans =

     5     6     7

For your code specifically, the following gives the result that you described in the question:

yrsStr = [yrsStr, inf];

nn = 1;
for n = 1:length(yrsStr)-1
    yoyComp(n).signals = nxtPdOut([nxtPdOut.datePdLow] >= yrsStr(n) &...
        [nxtPdOut.datePdLow] < yrsStr(n+1));

Note that I've deleted that I've deleted the

while nn <= numel(nxtPdOut)
    if nxtPdOut(nn)
        yoyComp(n).signals = nxtPdOut

section of your code since I'm not sure what it was doing.

于 2013-06-26T07:09:49.810 回答