
用户点击“添加”按钮后,键/值对被发送到两个字典中,一个用于将 State 与 Capital 配对,另一个用于将 Capital 与 State 进行比较。



无论哪种情况,该特定按钮都应该在单击时将该按钮的名称切换为配对的 Capital 或 State。对于我的一生,我无法找出如何将其编码到我的应用程序中。


IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView; // for scrollable State / Capital view
IBOutlet UITextField *stateField; // text field for entering state
IBOutlet UITextField *capitalField; // text field for entering capital

// stores the website and passwds
NSMutableDictionary *stateCapital;
NSMutableDictionary *capitalState;

// stores the Buttons representing the passwds
NSMutableArray *buttons;

// stores the info buttons for editing existing passwd
NSMutableArray *label;

// location of the file in which capital are stored
NSString *filePath;



// make the keyboard disappear
[stateField resignFirstResponder];
[capitalField resignFirstResponder];

NSString *key = stateField.text; // get the text in tagField
NSString *value = capitalField.text; // get the text in queryField

// test if either field is empty
if (value.length == 0 || key.length == 0)
    return; // exit from the method

if ([stateCapital valueForKey:key] == nil) // test if the website already exists

    [self addNewButtonWithTitle:key]; // if not, add a new button

[stateCapital setValue:value forKey:key]; // add a new entry in tags

stateField.text = nil; // clear tagField of text
capitalField.text = nil; // clear queryField of text

[stateCapital writeToFile:filePath atomically:NO]; //save the data


// make the keyboard disappear
[stateField resignFirstResponder];
[capitalField resignFirstResponder];

NSString *key = capitalField.text; // get the text in tagField
NSString *value = stateField.text; // get the text in queryField

// test if either field is empty
if (value.length == 0 || key.length == 0)
    return; // exit from the method

if ([capitalState valueForKey:key] == nil) // test if the website already exists

    [self addNewButtonWithTitle:key]; // if not, add a new button

[capitalState setValue:value forKey:key]; // add a new entry in tags

stateField.text = nil; // clear tagField of text
capitalField.text = nil; // clear queryField of text

[capitalState writeToFile:filePath atomically:NO]; //save the data



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于 2013-06-25T20:11:25.167 回答