提取大部分字段。时区字符和 DST 字符需要自行解码。由于您只使用 2 位数的年份,因此您需要定义您的范围。下面的示例使用 1970-2069。使用提取的时区字符形成通常的时区名称。在调用 之前mktime()
,将 TZ 设置为时区名称。然后,time_t
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
extern time_t mktime_TZ(struct tm *tm, const char *tz);
extern time_t DecodeTimeString_time_t(const char *time_string);
void DecodeTimeString_Local(const char *time_string, struct tm *local) {
// Various error handling not shown
time_t t;
t = DecodeTimeString_time_t(time_string);
*local = *localtime(&t);
time_t DecodeTimeString_time_t(const char *time_string /* YYMMDDHHMMCY */) {
struct tm tm;
char Zone, DST;
int result = sscanf(time_string, "%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%[CEMP]%[NY]",
&tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday, &tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &Zone, &DST);
if (result != 7) {
; // handle error
// Your need to decide how to handle 2 digits years
// Assume 70-99 is 1970-1999 and 0 to 69 is 2000-2069
if (tm.tm_year < 70) tm.tm_year += 2000-1900;
tm.tm_mon--; // Assume DateString used "01" for January, etc.
tm.tm_sec = 0;
tm.tm_isdst = Zone == 'Y';
const char *TZ;
switch (Zone) {
case 'P': TZ = "PST8PDT"; break; // Pacific
case 'M': TZ = "MST7MDT"; break; // mountain
case 'C': TZ = "CST6CDT"; break; // central
case 'E': TZ = "EST5EDT"; break; // eastern
time_t t = mktime_TZ(&tm, TZ);
return t;
// Form time_t from struct tm given a TZ
time_t mktime_TZ(struct tm *tm, const char *tz) {
time_t t;
const char *old_tz = getenv("TZ");
if (setenv("TZ", tz, 1 /* overwrite */)) {
return -1; // handle error
t = mktime(tm);
if (old_tz) {
if (setenv("TZ", old_tz, 1 /* overwrite */)) {
return -1; // handle error
else {
if (unsetenv("TZ")) {
return -1; // handle error
return t;