一种选择是检测“@”字符上的 keydown 事件,然后在当前光标位置放置一个绝对定位的 div。
function getTextAreaXandY() {
// Don't do anything if key pressed is left arrow
if (e.which == 37) return;
// Save selection start
var selection = $(this).getSelection();
var index = selection.start;
// Copy text to div
// Get current character
$(this).setSelection(index, index + 1);
currentcharacter = $(this).getSelection().text;
// Get previous character
$(this).setSelection(index - 1, index)
previouscharacter = $(this).getSelection().text;
var start, endchar;
var end = 0;
var range = rangy.createRange();
// If current or previous character is a space or a line break, find the next word and wrap it in a span
var linebreak = previouscharacter.match(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm) == undefined ? false : true;
if (previouscharacter == ' ' || currentcharacter == ' ' || linebreak) {
i = index + 1; // Start at the end of the current space
while (endchar != ' ' && end < $(this).val().length) {
$(this).setSelection(i, i + 1)
var sel = $(this).getSelection();
endchar = sel.text;
end = sel.start;
range.setStart($("div")[0].childNodes[0], index);
range.setEnd($("div")[0].childNodes[0], end);
var nextword = range.toHtml();
var position = $("<span id='nextword'>" + nextword + "</span>")[0];
var nextwordtop = $("#nextword").position().top;
// Insert `#caret` at the position of the caret
range.setStart($("div")[0].childNodes[0], index);
var caret = $("<span id='caret'></span>")[0];
var carettop = $("#caret").position().top;
// If preceding character is a space, wrap it in a span
if (previouscharacter == ' ') {
range.setStart($("div")[0].childNodes[0], index - 1);
range.setEnd($("div")[0].childNodes[0], index);
var prevchar = $("<span id='prevchar'></span>")[0];
var prevchartop = $("#prevchar").position().top;
// Set textarea selection back to selection start
$(this).setSelection(index, selection.end);
// If the top value of the previous character span is not equal to the top value of the next word,
// there must have been some wrapping going on, the previous character was a space, so the wrapping
// would have occured after this space, its safe to assume that the left and top value of `#nextword`
// indicate the caret position
if (prevchartop != undefined && prevchartop != nextwordtop) {
$("label").text('X: ' + $("#nextword").position().left + 'px, Y: ' + $("#nextword").position().top);
$('ul').css('left', ($("#nextword").position().left) + 'px');
$('ul').css('top', ($("#nextword").position().top + 13) + 'px');
// if not, then there was no wrapping, we can take the left and the top value from `#caret`
else {
$("label").text('X: ' + $("#caret").position().left + 'px, Y: ' + $("#caret").position().top);
$('ul').css('left', ($("#caret").position().left) + 'px');
$('ul').css('top', ($("#caret").position().top + 14) + 'px');
$('ul').css('display', 'block');
小提琴包括在当前光标位置放置一个新的 div。