我们有一个目前在 Ubuntu VM 上构建的 highcharts 导出服务器 v3。
目前(使用演示页面),我们有时会收到 7 个字节的 .png 文件,其中不包含任何图像。然而,有时,我们没有得到任何文件,而是得到以下错误:
“转换 SVG 超时,您的文件有这么大吗,或者您的 javascript 回调中有语法错误?”
从命令行运行 phantomJS 为我们提供了一个填充图表,但我们从演示页面中什么也得不到。任何建议将不胜感激。
我的 app.properties 文件如下所示:
#### phantomjs properties ####
# the host and port phantomjs listens to
host =
port = 7777
# location of the phantomjs executable, could be for example /usr/local/bin/phantomjs
exec = /usr/bin/phantomjs
# location of convert script used by phantomjs, optional to leave the script property empty, than it's using the script located in: /WEB-INF/phantomjs/highcharts-convert.js. This is tested in TOMCAT, but sp$
script = /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/highcharts-export/WEB-INF/phantomjs/highcharts-convert.js
#### connect properties used to connect with phantomjs running as HTTP-server ####
# all values in milliseconds
# specifies the timeout when reading from phantomjs when a connection is established
readTimeout = 6000
# timeout to be used when opening a communications link to the phantomjs server
connectTimeout = 500
# the whole request to the phantomjs server is scheduled, max timeout can last to this value. This is because in java you can't rely on the above two timeouts.
maxTimeout = 6500
#### Pool properties ####
# number of phantomjs servers you can run in the pool.
poolSize = 5
# The pool is implemented as a BlockingQueue. When asking for a phantom server connection and nothing is available, it waits for the number of milliseconds defined by maxWait
maxWait = 500