Inductive gameCompareDom : compare_quest -> game -> game -> Prop :=
| gameCompareDom1 : forall c g1 g2, innerGCompareDom (nextCompare c) (compareCombiner c) g1 (g1side c g1) g2 (g2side c g2) -> gameCompareDom c g1 g2
with innerGCompareDom : compare_quest -> combiner -> game -> gamelist -> game -> gamelist -> Prop :=
| innerGCompareDom1 : forall next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s, listGameCompareDom next_c cbn g1s g2 -> gameListCompareDom next_c cbn g1 g2s -> innerGCompareDom next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s
with listGameCompareDom : compare_quest -> combiner -> gamelist -> game -> Prop :=
| listGameCompareDom1 : forall c cbn g1s g2, g1s = emptylist -> listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s g2
| listGameCompareDom2 : forall c cbn g1s g2 g1s_car g1s_cdr, g1s = listCons g1s_car g1s_cdr -> gameCompareDom c g1s_car g2 -> listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s_cdr g2 -> listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s g2
with gameListCompareDom : compare_quest -> combiner -> game -> gamelist -> Prop :=
| gameListCompareDom1 : forall c cbn g1 g2s, g2s = emptylist -> gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s
| gameListCompareDom2 : forall c cbn g1 g2s g2s_car g2s_cdr, g2s = listCons g2s_car g2s_cdr -> gameCompareDom c g1 g2s_car -> gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s_cdr -> gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s.
Lemma gameCompareDom1Inv : forall c g1 g2, gameCompareDom c g1 g2 ->
innerGCompareDom (nextCompare c) (compareCombiner c) g1 (g1side c g1) g2 (g2side c g2).
Lemma innerGCompareDom1Inv1 : forall next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s,
innerGCompareDom next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s ->
listGameCompareDom next_c cbn g1s g2.
Lemma innerGCompareDom1Inv2 : forall next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s,
innerGCompareDom next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s ->
gameListCompareDom next_c cbn g1 g2s.
Lemma listGameCompareDom2Inv1 : forall c cbn g1s g2 g1s_car g1s_cdr,
listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s g2 -> g1s = listCons g1s_car g1s_cdr ->
gameCompareDom c g1s_car g2.
Lemma listGameCompareDom2Inv2 : forall c cbn g1s g2 g1s_car g1s_cdr,
listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s g2 -> g1s = listCons g1s_car g1s_cdr ->
listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s_cdr g2.
Lemma gameListCompareDom2Inv1 : forall c cbn g1 g2s g2s_car g2s_cdr,
gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s -> g2s = listCons g2s_car g2s_cdr ->
gameCompareDom c g1 g2s_car.
Lemma gameListCompareDom2Inv2 : forall c cbn g1 g2s g2s_car g2s_cdr,
gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s -> g2s = listCons g2s_car g2s_cdr ->
gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s_cdr.
Fixpoint gameCompareAux (c : compare_quest) (g1 : game) (g2 : game) (H1 : gameCompareDom c g1 g2) : Prop :=
innerGCompareAux (nextCompare c) (compareCombiner c) g1 (g1side c g1) g2 (g2side c g2) (gameCompareDom1Inv _ _ _ H1)
with innerGCompareAux (next_c : compare_quest) (cbn : combiner) (g1 : game) (g1s : gamelist) (g2 : game) (g2s : gamelist) (H1 : innerGCompareDom next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s) : Prop :=
cbn (listGameCompareAux next_c cbn g1s g2 (innerGCompareDom1Inv1 _ _ _ _ _ _ H1)) (gameListCompareAux next_c cbn g1 g2s (innerGCompareDom1Inv2 _ _ _ _ _ _ H1))
with listGameCompareAux (c : compare_quest) (cbn : combiner) (g1s : gamelist) (g2 : game) (H1 : listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s g2) : Prop :=
match g1s as gl1 return g1s = gl1 -> Prop with
| emptylist => fun H2 => cbn_init cbn
| listCons g1s_car g1s_cdr => fun H2 => cbn (gameCompareAux c g1s_car g2 (listGameCompareDom2Inv1 _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2)) (listGameCompareAux c cbn g1s_cdr g2 (listGameCompareDom2Inv2 _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2))
end eq_refl
with gameListCompareAux (c : compare_quest) (cbn : combiner) (g1 : game) (g2s : gamelist) (H1 : gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s) : Prop :=
match g2s as gl1 return g2s = gl1 -> Prop with
| emptylist => fun H2 => cbn_init cbn
| listCons g2s_car g2s_cdr => fun H2 => cbn (gameCompareAux c g1 g2s_car (gameListCompareDom2Inv1 _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2)) (gameListCompareAux c cbn g1 g2s_cdr (gameListCompareDom2Inv2 _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2))
end eq_refl.
Lemma gameCompareTot : forall c g1 g2, gameCompareDom c g1 g2.
Lemma innerGCompareTot : forall next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s,
innerGCompareDom next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s.
Lemma listGameCompareTot : forall g2 g1s c cbn,
listGameCompareDom c cbn g1s g2.
Lemma gameListCompareTot : forall g1 g2s c cbn,
gameListCompareDom c cbn g1 g2s.
Definition gameCompare (c : compare_quest) (g1 : game) (g2 : game) : Prop :=
gameCompareAux c g1 g2 (gameCompareTot _ _ _).
Definition innerGCompare (next_c : compare_quest) (cbn : combiner) (g1 : game) (g1s : gamelist) (g2 : game) (g2s : gamelist) : Prop :=
innerGCompareAux next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s (innerGCompareTot _ _ _ _ _ _).
Definition listGameCompare (c : compare_quest) (cbn : combiner) (g1s : gamelist) (g2 : game) : Prop :=
listGameCompareAux c cbn g1s g2 (listGameCompareTot _ _ _ _).
Definition gameListCompare (c : compare_quest) (cbn : combiner) (g1 : game) (g2s : gamelist) : Prop :=
gameListCompareAux c cbn g1 g2s (gameListCompareTot _ _ _ _).
Lemma gameCompareEq : forall c g1 g2, gameCompare c g1 g2 =
innerGCompare (nextCompare c) (compareCombiner c) g1 (g1side c g1) g2 (g2side c g2).
Lemma innerGCompareEq : forall next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s, innerGCompare next_c cbn g1 g1s g2 g2s =
cbn (listGameCompare next_c cbn g1s g2) (gameListCompare next_c cbn g1 g2s).
Lemma listGameCompareEq : forall c cbn g1s g2, listGameCompare c cbn g1s g2 =
match g1s with
| emptylist => cbn_init cbn
| listCons g1s_car g1s_cdr => cbn (gameCompare c g1s_car g2) (listGameCompare c cbn g1s_cdr g2)
Lemma gameListCompareEq : forall c cbn g1 g2s, gameListCompare c cbn g1 g2s =
match g2s with
| emptylist => cbn_init cbn
| listCons g2s_car g2s_cdr => cbn (gameCompare c g1 g2s_car) (gameListCompare c cbn g1 g2s_cdr)
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