

xPath : hxs.select('//div[@class="product-shop"]/p/text()').extract()

HTML 相当大,请参阅上面指定的链接。



[" ".join([i.strip() for i in hxs.select('//div[@class="product-shop"]/p/text()').extract()])]

output : 
[u'Itemcode: 12BTS28271 Brand: BASICS InStock - Ships within 2 business days. Tip: 90% of our shipments reach within 4 business days! This product is part of the Basics T.shirts line made of 100% Cotton. Stripes Muscle Fit T.shirts that come in Green Color. Casual that comes with Henley away.']


[u'This product is part of the Basics T.shirts line made of 100% Cotton. Stripes Muscle Fit T.shirts that come in Green Color. Casual that comes with Henley away.']

1 回答 1


Rightclicking on the element in the elements panel in chrome tells me:

enter image description here


Points to

<p>This product is part of the Basics T.shirts line made of 100% Cotton.<br>
                        Stripes Muscle Fit T.shirts that come in Green Color.<br>
                        Casual that comes with Henley away.</p>

Trying the same XPATH on this page also points to the description there too:

<p>This product is part of the Basics Shirts line made of 100% Cotton.<br>
                    Plain Slim Fit Shirts that come in Orange Color.<br>
                    Casual that comes with Button Down away.</p>

So it looks like all you need to do is call that XPATH on the page and you're set. You should still verify that that XPATH works in all cases though, as it's always prone to change depending on the page.

于 2013-06-25T14:05:42.607 回答