我正在尝试循环一个充满 .html 文件的文件夹并在文件的开头添加一些代码(尽管在我插入的代码之前我得到了一些不需要的换行符)并且还获取<title>
我用 -'s 替换空格和不需要的字符
这也有效,但是当我尝试将现有文件移动到新文件时,我得到了一个Bad File name or Number
也请忽略这些行Dim i
,i = i + 1
和If i=1 Then Exit For
这是在我测试脚本时添加的,然后当我很高兴它可以按照我的意愿运行时,我会在所有 HTML 文件上运行它。
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Folder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\My Web Sites\test\www.test.org.uk\html")
Dim i
Dim ObjFsoFile
Dim ObjFile
Dim StrData
Dim StrTitleTag
Dim OldFilename
Dim NewFilename
Set ObjFsoFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Loop all of the files
For Each File In Folder.Files
'Get contents of the file and store in a string
'Opening the file in READ mode
Set ObjFile = ObjFsoFile.OpenTextFile(File.Name)
'Reading from the file
StrData = ObjFile.ReadAll
'Add the Perch include to the beginning
StrData = replace(StrData,"<?php include('cms/runtime.php');?>","") 'Remove the Perch include in-case we are re-running this
StrData = replace(StrData,"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC " & Chr(34) & "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" & Chr(34) & ">","<?php include('cms/runtime.php');?>" & vbcrlf & "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC " & Chr(34) & "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" & Chr(34) & ">")
'Msgbox StrData
'Closing the file
'Write the changes to the current file
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(File.Name,True)
objFile.Write StrData
'Re-write the contents of the current file and replace with the StrData Above
'Grab the contents between <title> and </title>
parse_string1 = StrData 'see above post
parse_string1 = replace(parse_string1,"<title>","¦")
parse_string = split(parse_string1,"¦")
parse = parse_string(1)
parse_string1 = replace(parse,"</title>","¦")
parse_string = split(parse_string1,"¦")
parsed_string = parse_string(0)
StrTitleTag = parsed_string 'gives final result
'Save old filename of current file to a string
OldFilename = File.Name
'Msgbox OldFilename
'Rename current file to the above contents of between <title> and </title>
'Replace spaces with - characters in the filename.
Dim divider
divider = "-"
'Replace & with and
NewFilename = Replace((StrTitleTag & ".php"),"&","and")
'Replace triple space with single space
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename," "," ")
'Replace double space with single space
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename," "," ")
'Replace - with space
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename," ",divider)
'Replace ---- with -
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename,divider & "-" & divider,divider)
'Replace ---- with -
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename,divider & divider & divider,divider)
'Replace ,- with -
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename,"," & divider,divider)
'Replace LineBreaks with nothing (remove line breaks)
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename,vbCrLf,"")
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename,vbLf,"")
NewFilename = Replace(NewFilename,vbCr,"")
NewFilename = LCase(NewFilename)
'Msgbox NewFilename
'Loop through all files
For Each File2 In Folder.Files
'Opening the file in READ mode
Set ObjFile = ObjFsoFile.OpenTextFile(File2.Name)
'Get contents of the file and store in a string
'Reading from the file
StrData = ObjFile.ReadAll
'Closing the file
'Replace all occurences of the old filename with the new filename
StrData = Replace(StrData, OldFilename, NewFilename)
'How to write file
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(File2.Name,True)
objFile.Write StrData
'Rename Old file with the new filename
If objFso.FileExists("C:\My Web Sites\test\www.test.org.uk\html\" & OldFilename) Then
'NewFileName = "test.php"
'NewFileName = "test-test-test-test-test-test-test-test-test.php"
Msgbox "Renaming the file " & OldFilename & " (Length: " & Len(OldFilename) & ") with the following name: " & NewFilename & " (Length: " & Len(NewFilename) & ")"
Msgbox "Compare: test-test-test-test-test-test-test-test-test.php " & NewFilename
objFso.MoveFile "C:\My Web Sites\test\www.test.org.uk\html\" & OldFilename, "C:\My Web Sites\test\www.test.org.uk\html\" & NewFileName
End If
i = i + 1
If i=1 Then Exit For