要在 javascript 中执行此操作,您需要http://phpjs.org/的帮助:)
我认为我在此脚本中使用的所有 php 函数都可用,例如
* This function will encode a larger number to small string
function encode( $int = null ) {
$chars = 'kwn7uh2qifbj8te9vp64zxcmayrg50ds31';
$uid = '';
while( bccomp( $int, 0, 0) != 0 ) {
$rem = bcmod( $int, 34 );
$int = bcdiv( bcsub( $int, $rem, 0 ), 34, 0 );
$uid = $chars[$rem].$uid;
return $uid;
* This function will decode a string encoded with above function to its original state
function decode( $uid = null ) {
$chars = 'kwn7uh2qifbj8te9vp64zxcmayrg50ds31';
$id = '';
$len = strlen( $uid );
for( $i = $len - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
$value = strpos( $chars, $uid[$i] );
$id = bcadd( $id, bcmul( $value, bcpow( 34, ( $len - $i - 1 ) ) ) );
return $id;
* Below function is only for your needs
function int_to_str( $str = null, $decode = false ) {
//$len = array(); // reserved for further updates :)
$numbers1 = explode( "-", $str );
foreach( $numbers1 as &$num1 ) {
$func = ( $decode ) ? "decode" : "encode";
$num1 = implode( ".", array_map( $func, explode( ".", $num1 ) ) );
$numbers1 = implode( "-", $numbers1 );
return $numbers1;
// Encode your numbers to short strings
$str = int_to_str( "1372137673.276886940002-19690324617-19694854617-18953258947" );
// Decode your encoded string to its original state
$int = int_to_str( $str, true );
echo $str."<br />";
echo $int;