I am working on integration of alfresco with drupal. I found the cmis drupal module. where there is cmis sync module which can sync the content of drupal node to alfresco content type. I want my alfresco to store my assets (images , videos etc). I want a module which allows me to sync my assets of drupal with alfresco content?

Can anyone suggest a workaround for it?? Thanks


2 回答 2


编辑好吧,我没有检查您正在使用的模块中有哪些可用的功能,但我以前有集成 Alfresco 和 Drupal 的经验。我所做的是通过 Webscripts 将 Alfresco 存储库暴露给 Drupal,来自我的 webscripts 的响应由 Drupal 使用,渲染逻辑驻留在 Drupal 中。

现在,如果您想在您的 Drupal 站点中使用 Alfresco 内容,那么 Alfresco 中已经提供了一套开箱即用的 CMIS 服务,它将为您提供来自 alfresco 存储库的内容。有关检查的详细信息,您可以参考以下链接




编辑:刚刚检查了这个 https://drupal.org/project/cmis 如果您按照描述使用它,它应该提供内容的双向同步。

于 2013-07-03T09:49:05.633 回答

The sync is meant to sync the body field from a page node into the content stream of an Alfresco node (and back). When we created the module originally we assumed that if you wanted to manage binary objects in Alfresco you'd just use the Alfresco interface to manage those instead of uploading those in Drupal and sync-ing them across.

于 2013-07-03T20:54:09.423 回答