我有一个 LINQ to Entity 查询,它使用 select 将原始数据从 db 转换为对象,在此过程中执行一些计算。计算重复了几次,所以我尝试重构 LINQ 以使用 let。但是,这样做会严重影响性能。是否有替代 LET 的方法,我可以仅将其用于代码可重用性而不影响性能?
var defaultHours = 40;
var defaultOldPersonPoints = 100;
var defaultYoungPersonPoints = 50;
// Example with no let but lots of ugly, unreadable, redundant code
var exampleNoLet =
(from p in people
join op in otherPeople
on p.PersonId equals op.PersonId into inner
from outer in inner.DefaultIfEmpty(null)
select new
AllocatedPoints = (p.PersonTypeId == (int)PersonType.Old
? defaultOldPersonPoints
: p.PersonTypeId == (int)PersonType.Young
? defaultYoungPersonPoints : 0)
+ (int)(
(p.PersonTypeId == (int)PersonType.Old
? defaultOldPersonPoints
: p.PersonTypeId == (int)PersonType.Young
? defaultYoungPersonPoints : 0)
* (p.ContractedHours.HasValue
? (p.ContractedHours.Value - defaultHours) / defaultHours : 0))
// Using the LET allows me to clean up the code somewhat but causes a massive performance hit
var exampleUsingLet =
(from p in people
join op in otherPeople
on p.PersonId equals op.PersonId into inner
from outer in inner.DefaultIfEmpty(null)
let defaultPoints = p.PersonTypeId == (int)PersonType.Old
? defaultOldPersonPoints
: p.PersonTypeId == (int)PersonType.Young
? defaultYoungPersonPoints : 0
let contractedHourRatio = p.ContractedHours.HasValue
? (p.ContractedHours.Value - defaultHours) / defaultHours : 0
select new
AllocatedPoints = defaultPoints + (int)(defaultPoints * contractedHourRatio)