我正在尝试从 sql 服务器更新 Google 地图。

在 C# 中定义了数组,如下所示

foreach (Location item in lst) {
  ScriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(UpdatePanel1, "infoarray", "'"+item.Description.ToString()+"'");
  ScriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(UpdatePanel1, "lonarray", item.Longitude.ToString());
  ScriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(UpdatePanel1, "latarray", item.Latitude.ToString());
  ScriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(UpdatePanel1, "bounce", item.Bounce.ToString()); 

现在当这些数组被 jscript 调用时

//loop to set the markers
for (var i = 0; i < lonarray.length; i++) {
  //get the longtitude from the longtitude array this array is set from the C# code 
  longt = lonarray[i];
  //get the latitude from the latitude array this array is set from the C# code
  lat = latarray[i];
  //set a title
  var title = 'test';

运行时错误提示 lonarray 未定义。



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