我无法在 Surface Pro 上启动 Android 虚拟设备。我在 Windows XP、7 或 OS X 上没有遇到任何问题。
我尝试从 AVD 管理器启动,它会打开选项对话框,当我选择启动时,它的行为就像它正在工作,但是模拟器永远不会出现。
当我从一个项目中选择 Run As Android Application 时,它的行为就像它正在启动一样,再次没有出现任何内容。
我已经尝试禁用 UAC。
Please refer to my question and answer here:
< Android Emulator and AVD will not run on Surface Pro >
As it turns out you can run the Android Emulator and AVD on the Microsoft Windows 8 Surface Pro.
You will need to rollback the graphic drivers:
< http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-hardware/latest-graphics-driver-update-makes-bluestacks/1f67d99f-3626-4110-aa22-773856b226cb > Method 1: I would suggest you to roll back to the previous driver.
a) Press Windows key + X on the keyboard. b) Click Device Manager. c) Double-click on Display Adapters. d) Double-click on your Graphic Card Drivers e) Select the Driver Tab f) Click on Roll Back Driver.
I still recommend using Bluestacks as an alternative method for Android Emulation.
Windows 8 尝试猜测您的程序需要哪个版本的 Windows,然后应用更改。如果程序开始工作,你就完成了。
但是,如果程序仍然有问题,请转到第 3 步。