I am currently developing a web application which is a booking system for events.

Basically i want to use PayPal's Delayed Chained Payments system to do this:

  1. BUYER makes a purchase through web app
  2. ADMIN is the primary receiver of the funds
  3. SELLER receives the funds 7 days after the event has occurred (less commission for ADMIN)

The reason i am leaving a 7 day period until the SELLER receives the funds is to allow for refunds and cancellations.

My question is: Does the API allow me to interveen the delayed payment before the 7 days has elapsed, thus cancelling the payment to the SELLER and allow me to directly refund the BUYER the full amount. This is my ideal situation as it means their will not be the problem of the SELLERS account not having sufficient funds for the refund.

If anyone could help it would be great!


2 回答 2


使用延迟链式付款,您可以在需要时(90 天内)取消或执行付款。因此,如果卖家无法向买家提供产品(或任何原因),您可以取消交易。


因此,要对链式支付交易进行退款,您需要使用权限服务 API 调用接收方,以允许您代表他们处理退款。如果他们不这样做,您将无法退还发送给其他收件人的付款。

于 2013-06-25T22:31:04.420 回答

延迟链式付款后,如果您没有向二级收款人执行付款,则可以使用退款 api 调用全额退款,但您需要授予第三方访问权限。使用授予 api 访问权限

于 2013-09-18T04:37:19.353 回答