我正在使用此处找到的 dhtml 窗口小部件脚本:
我希望用户能够在单击背景时关闭 dhtml 弹出窗口。目前它仅在单击关闭按钮时有效。如何将其添加到此脚本中?
我正在使用此处找到的 dhtml 窗口小部件脚本:
我希望用户能够在单击背景时关闭 dhtml 弹出窗口。目前它仅在单击关闭按钮时有效。如何将其添加到此脚本中?
正如主题所说,这不适用于“dhtmlmodal”。这是用于“dhtmlwindow”的。存在差异,因为“dhtmlmodal”甚至似乎没有 .close() 事件,只有 .hide()
那个小部件现在已经很老了(超过 6 年),毫无疑问,有许多更新、更好的替代品,但这不是重点。
Create links that manipulate an opened window in various ways when clicked on
<script type="text/javascript">
// this function invocation generates the popup with your specific parameters
// the variable name you assign (googlewin) is used to interact with the popup later
var googlewin=dhtmlwindow.open("googlebox", "iframe", "http://google.com", "Google Web site", "width=700px,height=450px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
<!-- this is an example link that will call the close method on the googlewin object
this is the bit you need to apply to whatever it is that you want the visitor to be able to click on to close the popup -->
<a href="#" onClick="googlewin.close(); return false">Close Window</a>