When jumping from Activity to activity via Cordova, plugin, i want to be able to put additional information into a bundle and pass it along with the intent. I seem to have issues getting the current activity and then getting a value via
public int getCounter(){return counter;}
I have a Activity Definition which, onCreate will set counter to a value from the passed in bundle.
I have a Cordova plugin then which i am working with, which will carry out the intent to next activity.
Echo Class is a mediary which will jump between acticities based on html clicks.
//In the Class: public class Echo extends CordovaPlugin
private void launchSecondActivity(String data, CallbackContext cc){
Bundle b = new Bundle();
int tmp = ((SecondaryActivity)cordova.getActivity()).getCounter();
b.putInt("id", tmp);
Intent i = new Intent(cordova.getActivity().getApplicationContext(), SecondaryActivity.class);
It seems that it causes a seg fault of sorts, when i am trying to assign counter to tmp, in the line:
int tmp = ((SecondaryActivity)cordova.getActivity()).getCounter();
Is there something i am doing wrong? I am trying to get the currently active activity, and then call a public function in that activity.
End Goal: I am trying to take an int, and keep passing it into intents, incremented. So that way, it will know how deep into the activity chain it is. I am working on nested state saving and curious as to the depth i am at, at any given time. The tmp being passed into the activity will be incremented each time, so it will maintain a depth.