Two engineers are working on an android project. To publish the apk (not on Playstore, but private publication), they each run their project and then get the resulting apk and then publish. As it turns out a user cannot simply update between the apks produced from the two different computers. If a user's current apk was published by developer Zack; to update to the latest version, which happen to come from developer Max, the user must in fact delete and reinstall. How do I resolve this problem? I was hoping to find whatever key is used on one of the computers and pass it to the other developer. But I can't find where the keys are stored.

Naturally, I would use Android Tools > Export Signed Application Package to publish. But the present situation is as above. How do I fix that problem without having user's continuously deleting or -- on the other hand -- restrict publication to one machine?


1 回答 1


就我而言,我将 Release Keystore 文件放在源代码管理中。每个开发人员都从源代码管理中提取最新版本(希望不更改)。如果愿意,您可以将其设置为只读以保护密钥。如果在签署应用程序时使用 Eclipse,则必须指定密钥库的路径。因此,您可以获得自己的密钥库路径。

另一方面。如果您想共享调试密钥,以便在两台计算机上播放应用程序,那么密钥位于您的 .android 目录中。如果在 Windows 上,则为 c:\Users[username].android\debug.keystore debug.keyset

如果在 linux/other 上类似 ~/.android

于 2013-06-24T20:28:19.673 回答